IX. Deranged Vegas

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BANG .....

One bullet shot resounded in the room.

"Kimmmyyy.." - Vegas

Kim was shocked his eyes bulging from their sockets. Did he .. No did he think he shot me?

I was still under him, I was shocked at what was happening.

"No no no ... Vegass Vegass... " - Kim

He frantically searched my body for a shot wound, panicking and opening my shirt but I stopped him.

"Kim... You .. " - Vegas

My voice was hoarse and weak, he looked at me sadly and lonely almost on the verge of crying.

"Kimmmm... Please ... No .. " - Vegas

I don't want to see him crying. I got up as he was straddling me, making him securely sit on my lap as a baby snuggled in my arms.

"Fuck you!!! Fucking cowards!!!" - Vegas

I was exchanging shots from the glass window of my room that was already shattered my arm snaking on his torso dragging us besides my bed for cover.
Sounds ringed in my ear and became deafening, everything was happening too fast. When I felt hot blood already drenching both of us. A pool of blood already surrounded us. That's when I realized that Kim had been quiet.

He leaned on my shoulder weakly.
I was carrying him like a baby, he suddenly laughed at our situation, and blood spurt out of his mouth.

"No kimmmyy No No... Don't laugh this is not a laughing matter, FUCK!! YOU FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT DIE!!!"- Vegas

I fired shots through the bed struggling to get a proper aim.


"Hehehehehehe... Vegas! Hehe *heulk ngghh * cough *cough" - Kim

"You don't fucking speak or I will end you shut up Kim!"- Vegas

"Hhaaaahhh... Gross .. Fucking taste metal.. Hahaaha haaaahhh *cough... Vegas.." - Kim

He leaned on my shoulder his nose touching my neck and I tensed up at our close proximity he is breathing on me sending shivers down my spine.

"Should I just lie aside so you can shoot properly hahaha... " - Kim

He was clutching his stomach blood coming out of it. But he was still giggling is he going senile because of blood loss?

"What's so fucking funny!!!Kim??! You crazy idiot!!! Just stay!!"- Vegas

I made him snuggle to my arms more his lips already touching my neck. Then he gave me peppering kisses, I gulped this is not time to be getting a hard-on. He must be amused seeing me all panicky and shit and can't stop laughing. He licked a sweat that fell down my jaws.

"Jesus Fucking Christ!!! Can you not tease me like this right now??!"- Vegas

"Vegas .. Hehe... Can you do me a favor?"- Kim

I feel his slow breathing, his eyes trying to focus on me fighting to be awake. He wrapped his arms around me. And I do not like the sound of his wavering voice.

"No!!Never!!! No favors for you??!"- Vegas

"Oh c'mon aren't we close enough to do those?" - Kim

I ignored him and continued firing like he wasn't even hindering me. Hauling curses t no one.
Glasses shattered, the bed filled with bullets, feathers flying everywhere. Bullets littered the floor every drop of its casings causes a melody. The melody of death coming upon us.

"I want to sleep, so can you shut them up?"- Kim

"No don't sleep kimmyyy nooo... Just stay awake, it'll be done in a minute I swear."- Vegas

"But I'm tired  already and it hurts so much" - Kim

Seeing were already soaked in his blood, he'd die of blood loss any minute now.

"So do me a favor and kill that motherfucker who shot me, it hurts like damn. I am fucking sleepy... Ve... Gasss..." - Kim

"No, no kimmmmm... no don't close your eyes hey! Asshole I am not done with you!"- Vegas

He raised his head to face me as if trying to tell me something. And then he coughed up blood on my face, he just went laughing insanely. While I was dumbfounded.

"You look pretty in red hehehe *heuk *gaaahhh *cough *cough hehehe" - Kim

"Kim.. " - Vegas

He clasped my cheeks and smudge blood on them. Like painting a canvass with his delicate fingers his lips up in a smirk, even bloodied he looked beautiful to me, he looked heavenly a fallen angel clipped out of its wings bloodied and battered.

"Hehe, you could've shot me you know I'd be happy to get killed by you" - Kim

"What the hell are you talking about?!"- Vegas

"You know I... I ..." -Kim

He leaned in for a kiss before continuing his words. A sweet and short one.

"I'm sorry ... "- Kim

His body fell to the sides, and Kim's lifeless body was lying beside me in a pool of blood. His hands were drenched with blood and his lifeless body was unmoving.

"Kim... Kim?!!Kimmyyyyy .. NO NO NO FUCKING NO!!"- Vegas

The shots stopped I looked to the windows and no one was already there, they must have left seeing as we are not moving anymore not even bothering to check us, damn imbeciles.

I was left there in silence beside Kim holding his hand feeling his faint pulse weakening.

It was slowly slipping away, all of it. His memories came flashing by in a blink. All of that I treasured even the slightest wink or touch he would do.
How angry and wild he could be, in the end, it would always end up with me still greeting him on my front porch and him smirking at me as he walked inside the haven we thought we had built.

No words just us and our bodies talking in the love language we knew.

But it was slipping away too fast...


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