Chapter Two

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I wake up, hearing something crawling in the vents. It could just be those spider toys again, and then I'd probably have to hide somewhere else if they tattle on me again. But, no, it's this lanky animatronic. I just hide under a few blankets before it sees me. It sounds like it's searching the room for something. Then, there's no sound. I want to peek out from the blanket just to see if the thing is gone, but I also don't want it to see me. I try to stay as still as I can, and then something is off. I don't have feeling of the floor anymore. 

The animatronic actually picked me up, blanket and all. 

There's a lullaby playing, but I refuse to go to sleep. What in the holy biscuits is this thing going to do to me? Is it just going to take me somewhere to destroy me or somewhere to be safe? To hell if I know. The only thing that runs through my mind at this moment is ways to escape. I could try to get it out of balance and drop me, or just slip through its arms. 

I decide what to do and, after a few seconds more, I slip through and start running. It somehow got out of the room without going back into the vents. The animatronic starts chasing after me, and I refuse to slow down. I do get a few looks of it just by turning my head over my shoulder to see if it stopped or not. It has a crescent moon for a head, the other half being some kind of purplish black with two red dots for eyes. It has a nose in the middle that slants to the side, just like in those children's books I read sometimes. There's this large grin on its face that it can't make disappear. It would be a frown now. It's also wearing baggy blue pants with stars decorated all over them. It seems shirtless, it doesn't need a shirt. It also has this cap with a bell at the end, colored and decorated just like its pants. Its arms begin with a dusty white but fades into a mixture of purple and blue. There're bands with bells on his wrists, the bells jingling as his claw-like hands comes closer and closer to capturing me. 

Fear takes over for just a second, but when I look over my shoulder again, the animatronic is gone. I turn my head back to look at where I'm going, and there it is. In a span of a few seconds, it's found its way to disappear and reappear in front of me. 

I stop before I could run into it and turn to run the other way, but he stops me with the blanket it has been holding for the whole chase. He just catches me before I have another chance to run and wrap me in the blanket. I wasn't even going the right way to the room. I just got out of his arms and picked a direction to run that wasn't the one it was taking me to. The grin is still there as it makes sure I can't run away again, and it continues its walk to wherever it was taking me to before. I can only look at the ceiling or its face, and I don't want to see its face right now. The lights are bit blinding, I have been in the dark room for a while, until he walks into a new room. It's not a closet, it's a real room. It's dimmed to where it feels like it's dark, but there's still some light in some places. 

The animatronic finally puts me down, just on something soft thought. Does it want me to go to sleep? Is it just going to watch me? 

We stare at each other for a few minutes, as if one of us has just done something so unbelievably stupid and somehow survived. I try not to laugh at the scenarios running through my head, and then everything stops when it speaks. 



Word Count: 696 

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