Chapter 10

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“Shadow! Don’t you dare quit on me…”

Some part of him recognised the repetitive voice calling him from afar. Opening his eyes, Shadow found himself stuck in a black room, looking down he saw chains on his wrists. A door opened in front of him, the screeching of metal on metal hurt his sensitive ears. 

“Shadow!” a haunting voice called out to the black and red hedgehog, his body jolted as piercing blue eyes stared straight through him, the eyes were accompanied by a hand littered in green fur. “Look at you helpless and ready for me!”. The voice belonging to none other than Scrouge the Hedgehog filtered through Shadow's ears. “Who would have thought the Ultimate Lifeform would obey me, on the terms I didn’t touch a certain speedster and his friends. Such nobility and loyalty. Let’s see how long you last!” the sharp tone made Shadow tense. 

“Let’s get rid of Sonic’s pathetic unborn hoglet first!” A wicked grin on Scrouge’s face made Shadow back away into the wall in fear, he pressed himself up against it. Using his arms to block the incoming attacks on his stomach. Shadow decided he would protect the unborn hoglet to the best of his ability, so he wouldn't lose his only connection to Sonic. He would protect his hoglet until he died, he just hoped his hoglet would someday get to meet Sonic. 

“Mephiles, would you care to help me. In eradicating the problem inside Shadow?”. Two chuckles reached Shadow’s ears, closing his eyes. Shadow focussed on one thing, his unborn hoglet. He had to get out of here. His eyes connected with green and grey just as two blades stabbed into his stomach. Shadow did the only thing he could, he screamed.

“SHADOW! SHADOW!” Sonic screamed his partner's name while performing CPR on the unresponsive ebony hedgehog. “Sonic!”. “Please I can’t lose you…”

The speedster was so focussed on his partner that he didn’t hear the others calling his name. Knuckles bowed his head trying to reach the guardians for help, the freedom fighters watched with mixed emotions. Rouge remained still as a statue staring at her best-friends motionless body.

“SONIC!” Sonia’s scream snapped Sonic from his trance, a gentle hand landed on his shoulder prompting the blue hero to look up. “Sonic as much as I don’t want to say this. Shadow has been…dead for fifteen minutes…no one has…ever survived…that long without…oxygen. I’m sorry…Sonic…there’s nothing we can do”, Silver looked at the blue hedgehog with tears of his own, Sonic nodded in defeat. Taking a deep look at Shadow, the cobalt speedster smiled, grabbing Shadow’s hands and placing them over his chest. “I love you”, Sonic whispered, kissing Shadow’s forehead. The blue speedster got up and walked out the room before disappearing in a blue blur. 


“Tails, give him time”, At Vector’s voice, Tails nodded before moving over to where Charmy, Cream and Cheese were cuddling into the green crocodile, who lifted his arm. Tails rushed to accept the hug. The others stood around confused on what to do. Nic remained frozen on the spot, basically his ‘son’ had passed away too soon. A hand on his cheek had Nic looking up to meet purple eyes, Shadwick looked worse than normal. Nic frowned, and carefully he wrapped his arms around his love. Aria directed them out of the room before moving back towards the others. Sonia and Manic shared a look while Shade disappeared in a black stream, leaving the two hedgehogs to look for their niece.

Knuckles watched Rouge kiss Shadow’s forehead before she left the room to comfort Silver and Amy. Leaving only Knuckles, Espio, Aria and Mighty in the room with Shadow. The guardian moved over to the one who had become his obnoxious brother, somehow tunnelling into his heart. “Queen Aria, is there a worship garden nearby?” Espio’s question confused most of them. Queen Aria nodded, “Yes there is. Why?”. The chameleon smiled widely despite the circumstances. Mighty frowned at his partner, “Esp?”. The ninja kissed the armadillo’s cheek before turning to the guardian. “Knuckles, I need your help”. Knuckles looked up with a tilt of the head, “With what?”. Espio smiled, “I’m going to perform a ritual and hopefully it should wake a certain hedgehog out of his sleep. I need you to carry Shadow for me please”. With enough said, Espio walked out of the room after the Queen. 

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