Meeting Blake.

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Harry's POV

Today was the day that Louis and I's little Blake was being born into the world. Our friend, Emily, was generous enough to carry this baby for us. It has been a long nine months waiting for the little boy that was soon to enter our lives.

Right now the boys and I were waiting outside the hospital room hoping eveything was going as planned.

"Louis, you need to snap back into the earth. Everything is going to be fine trust me." Liam said to Louis reasurringly.

I reached over taking Louis' hand into my own, leaning over and whispering into his ear. "Can you believe that we are going to become dads today?"

"It's so surreal. it makes me unimaginaly happy though. Ecspecially since I'm doing this with you. No one else I'd rather be with." Louis said sweetly and pecking me on my lips.

Suddenly, the hospital room flew open and a blonde nurse stood in the doorway.

"Would you like to meet Blake Xavier Tomlinson-Styles?" She said smiling hugely at us.

We all rushed quickly into the room our eyes wideing seeing the beautiful baby in front of us.

"He's so... alive! We've been looking at an ultrasound picture forever! It's amazing to see the real thing in front of us!" I said excitdly.

"Here, would you like to hold him?" Emily said holding him out for me to take. I took him into my arms, all the boys forming a circle around me.

"Hello Blake. I'm Harry and I'm your daddy. That's Louis and he's your other daddy. That's Liam. That's Zayn. And that's Niall. And they are all your uncles." I said pointing to each of them as I said their names. "You're our little boy and I'm so excited to get to know you."


A few days later we got to take little Blake home with us. We already had his nursery all set up and painted. Niall, Zayn and Liam were living in the spacious basement of our house. Me and Louis had kindly invited them to live with us as we wanted them to be a huge part of Blake's life.

Me and Louis brought Blake up to his nursery laying him down in it as he slept. Me and Louis just staring down at him.

"We've only known him a couple of days and I already love him with all my heart." Louis said looking into my eyes, his blue ones shining brightly.

"Me too love, me too."


a/n: so! did you enjoy the first chapter? so if you want to request something just tell me how old he is (lets try and keep them young as I will go up in age), who to spank him (whick of the five boys), reason why, and what with (please be reasonble for his age. nothing to extreme.) I would love suggestions so please leave them :)

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