Sneaking Out

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Age: 15

Third Person POV

Blake ran downstairs as soon as he got the text. His best friend, Nate, was having his first party that night and all the girls in their grade were going to be there. HE had to be there. He knew he wouldn't be able to go to the party without asking one of his parents. So he chose Harry, thinking he would be more understanding. 

Harry was sitting on the couch in the living room when Blake walked in with an excited look on his face. 

"Hey Dad?" Blake said, standing in front on Harry. 

Harry looked up from his book to look at his son. "Yes?"

"Nate is having a party tonight at his house so I can go right?" 

"Blake, you know we are going to grandma's house tomorrow? This was planned weeks ago! Besides I don't feel comfortable you going to a party." Harry said, and put his hand over Blake's and rubbed his thumb slightly. 

Blake immediately ripped his hand away, giving his dad a glare. 

"Dad! I don't have to go to grandma's tomorrow! I can sleepover at Nate's tonight." Blake yelled. 

"Hey!" Harry said sternly. "You don't need to yell. You are not going. I have said my reasons, I don't need to explain myself again. End of discussion." Harry picked his book back up and began reading again. 

Blake stomped his foot on the ground and took Harry's book from his hands. "Dad! Please!" 

Harry gaped and grabbed his book back and gave Blake a stern look. 

"Blake, You don't need to throw a tantrum that is unacceptable." Blake glared at him. "You know what? Give me your phone and you can go to bed. No electronics till tomorrow."

Harry held out his hand and Blake reached into his pocket and hesitantly put his phone in Harry's hand. 

"Thank you. Now go up to bed please." 

Blake walked up the stairs as slow as he could, trying to show his dad he was not impressed. 

Blake finally reached his room and layed on his bed, putting his arms behind his head. 

"If I want to go to a party, I'll go"! Blake thought. "I'll just wait till Dad goes to bed and then I'll just sneak out! Yeah, I'll sneak out."

Blake planned it out all in his head and was just waiting for his dad to go to bed. At the exact time he looked at the clock, someone knocked on the door.  

"Come in!" Blake said, and the the door opened and Harry standing there. 

"Your father already went to sleep hours ago so he won't be in to say goodnight." Harry walked over to the side of the bed and leaned down and kissed his son on his forehead. "I'm sorry you couldn't go to your party but I love you. Night buddy." He ran his fingers through Blake's hair once before walking out of the room. 

"I'm sorry dad." Blake whispered.

----------- 30 minutes later------------

Blake opened his window and quietly slipped his body out of the small space he opened of the window. 

As soon as he was on the ground he sprinted to Nate's house. He wanted to have as much time as possible to party. 

He walked into Nate's house and greeted everyone he knew and walked over to the snack and drink table. Seeing liquor, Blake immediately reached his hand out to grab it but didn't want to be hungover if he was going to be around his grandma and dads tomorrow. He opted for pop and made his way over the the group of girls. 

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