Date cut short

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Harry's POV

Our little five year old, Blake, was stressing me and Louis out beyond belief today. We love him to bits, but he does get on our nerves sometimes. As Liam and Zayn were already out shopping for the day, Niall agreed to watch Blake as me and Louis went on a much needed date.

"Louis, this movie really sucks." I whispered into Louis' ear.

"Hun, you were the one who suggested it."

"Yeah, Yeah I know. I wonder if Blake is being good for Niall?" I said curiously.

"Babe, I'm sure Niall can handle him. Just try and relax and watch the movie."

"I'd rather stare at you." I said seductively.

He looked straight into my eyes and kissed my lips lightly.

"Whatever you desire my love" He said turning his attention back to the screen.

For the rest of the movie, I just stared at the side of Louis' face watching him slightly smirk when he realized I was still staring at him.

When the movie finished Louis and I walked out of the theatre hand in hand only getting stopped a couple times for pictures.

"Lets go out to a fancy restaurant. We haven't been to one of those since Blake was born." I said getting into the drivers seat.

"Sounds good to me." Louis said looking out the front window.

When we reached the restaurant and I parked in the parking lot, Louis' phone started ringing and Niall's face showed up on the caller ID. He immediately picked it up.

"Hey Nialler!"

"Yup, Me and Harry are about to go to dinner."

"Niall, Just handle it!"

"Send him to his room or something!"

"Alright, we will be home in about an hour."

And with that he hung up the phone.

"What's going on?" I said a little worriedly.

"Apparently Blake is being a brat and Niall didn't know what to do." Louis said sounding agitated.

"Alright. He's got it under control. Lets not let it ruin our wonderful night."

We got out of the car and walked into the restaurant being seated almost immediately.

"What can I get for drinks for you?" The fancy waiter asked us.

"We'll get a bottle of Yacht's white wine please." I said to the waiter.

"I will be back shortly." He said with a smile.

"Honey, You barely even like white wine!" Louis exclaimed a huge smile on his face.

"Well, I know it's your favorite." I said with a wink.

After sitting there holding each others hand across the table for a few minutes, my phone started to ring. I gave an apologetic look to Louis before picking up my phone and seeing it was Niall once again.

"Niall! What is it?" I said a little angrily.

"I'm sorry! Just I told Blake to go to his room and he went after putting up a huge fight and then I go and check on him 10 minutes later and I can't find him! I've looked everywhere!" He said and I could sense the fear in his voice.

"Alright, we will head home now." And I hung up.

"Lou, I'm sorry babe. We have to go. I'll explain in the car."

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