Zayn's Day With Blake

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Idea credit: jennabenna514 (used age you said and with what but changed reason, hope that's okay)

Age: 7

Zayn's POV

Today the four other boys had went out to the movie theatre to see a movie I had already saw with another friend. So, I voulenteered to take care of Blake while the boys are out. I usually have no problem taking care of Blake as he listens to whatever I say. The first few times I took care of him, he never listened and then he learned that I am not someone he wants to mess with.

Right now I'm just sitting in the kitchen, drinking tea while reading the newspaper when suddenly the doorbell to the house rang loudly. I quickly got up to answer it to find our next door neighbour standing there, looking frantic.

"Are Blake's parents home?" She asked.

"They are not at the moment. I'm his uncle though and I'm taking care of him right now. What can I do for you?" I said, wondering what was so urgent.

"Well, my son, Andrew, had invited a few of his friends over to play outside and I guess Blake saw them playing so he came over as well. I was fine with that, until I came outside to ask if they wanted a snack and I saw Blake pushing Andrew. I was about to interfere when Blake started talking saying how he was such a wimp and a baby, saying his glasses made him look horrible, calling him four eyes. The other boys were saying things as well, but Blake looked like the leader of what was happening. I've called all the other boys parents and have told them the same story. I don't appreciate your nephew's bullying, so could you please come take him home?"

By the time she finished talking, I was fuming. Not only that Blake had been bullying but that he had left the house without asking me first. Something serious could have happened to him, and I wouldn't have even known where he was.

"Oh my goodness. I apologize for Blake's behaviour. He has never been one to be mean to others before. I assure you we will come over to your house after he has been punished and will apologize to yourself and to Andrew." I said apoligeticly.

I walked out the front door and made my way over to the house next door. Calmed down a bit, knowing I couldn't be riled up to punish him.

When I walked in, Blake and his other friends were sitting at the kitchen table looking guilty. When he saw me his face turned from guilty to fear. I went over beside him grabbed his arm and started dragging him back to the house.

"Uncle Zayn! No! I don't want to be punished!" He screamed loudly.

I swatted his butt hard and leaned down and whispered in his ear. "Keep walking."

When we got back to the house, I sent Blake over to sit on the couch while I paced around the living room thinking about what Blake had done.

"Blake. I can't even believe you would bully someone. Being mean to anyone has never been okay. And your parents have made sure you knew that. So why would it be okay now?" I yelled.

"I'm sorry! I just, he wouldn't wrestle with me. I got angry." He said, realizing his actions were wrong.

"Just because someone doesn't want to do something you want them to do, it's not okay to use mean words and push people!"

"I know, Uncle Zayn! I won't ever do it again." He said shaking his head.

"You're right, I'm going to make sure you don't." I said seeing fear reappear in his face. "Now, You left the house without telling me. What if something happened to you Blake? I wouldn't know where you were!"

"I'm sorry, I just say them playing and I wanted to join and I didn't think about asking you."

I went over and sat beside him on the couch. "Let's get this over with." I said sadly, not wanting to spank my nephew.

He sadly nodded standing in front of me pulling down his pants and boxers himself. I pulled him over my knee and began landing swats with my hand on his left cheek and then his right for about 3 minutes before I began talking.

"Blake, bullying will never be acceptable. Never. Do you understand that?" I said making the spanks harder.

"Yes!" He cried.

"Okay, I want you to stand up and pull up your boxers Blake."

He immediately obeyed, looking confused but not questioning it out loud. I then stood up myself and took off my belt, knowing I needed to take major action for this to never happen again. When he saw the belt, his eyes widened and he started stepping away from me slowly, but I grabbed his arm before he could slip away and bent him over the side of the couch.

"You're going to get 10." I said brining the belt up and brought it down on his boxer covered bum.

"I never" I brought it down 3 times quickly. "ever" I brought it down another 3 times slower. "want to see you bully someone." another three times. "is that clear I said standing him up to face me.

"Yes!" he cried loudly.

"Come here baby." He ran into my arms hugging me and crying into my shirt.

"You understand why that had to happen right Blakey?" He just nodded into my stomach.

"Now, that little boy over there's feelings were very hurt. So we are going to walk next door and apologize to Andrew and his mother, okay?"

"No! That's embarrassing!"

"Its either apologizing now, or getting another spanking and apologizing after. Your choice."

He grabbed my hand dragging me to the neighbors house. When we reached the door, I knocked and we patiently waited for it to open.

"Hello Blake." Andrew's mother said with her little boy hiding behind her.

"Blake has something he would like to say to both of you." I said sternly.

"I'm sorry for making fun of you Andrew. It was wrong of me to bully you." He said looking at the ground.

"And what happens when you bully?"

I asked. His cheeks pinkened.

"I get a spanking."

"It's okay Blake. I forgive you." Andrew said speaking up.

"Alright, we'll we best be going. Have a nice day!"

We walked back to the house and when we walked into the door I scooped Blake up into my arms and started anyone kisses all over his face and neck.

"How about we go take a nap?" I said with a yawn.

"Can we sleep on your bed?"

"Of course baby. Lets head down."

When we reached the bed, I tucked him in beside me and he cuddled up to me. "You know you're my favorite nephew."

"I'm your only nephew!" He said laughing.

"I know baby, but I love you so much." and that time I didn't get a reply because he had feel asleep. And not long after I feel asleep thinking about how lucky I was to have Blake in my life.


a/n: ahh. I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. something came up.

anyways hope you like this chapter. of you have any suggestions leave them below :)


have a great night/day :)

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