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Third Person POV

Harry and Louis were currently sitting at the kitchen table, silently sipping tea and each reading a book or newspaper. Harry was quite nervous at the moment. He had decided he was going to talk to his husband about what he had been thinking about for the past 3 months.

"Hey babe." Harry said, breaking the silence. Louis looked up from the newspaper he was reading and his glasses fell slightly down his nose.

"Yeah sweetheart?"

"Can we go to our room? I wanna talk about something." Louis nodded and took his glasses off his face and placed them on the table and took Harry's hand into his own. They sat down onto their bed together.

"What's on your mind sweetheart?" Louis said, sweetly.

"I've been meaning to tell you something for a while. I've thought about this a lot and I think it's time to tell you." Harry said.

"Go ahead sweetie."

Harry looked at the ground shyly. "I, um, I wanna get another surrogate and have a baby." They sat there for a moment in silence, Louis just processing that through his head. If he was being completely honest, he had been thinking about having another kid too. Louis always wanted two or more kids and now that Harry had brought it up, Louis was extremely happy.

"Let's do it." Louis said, lightly lifting Harry's chin so he could look at him. Tears were glistening in both their eyes.

"Babe, you don't have to do this for me. If this is something you don't want , I'm completely fine with it."

"Harry, you know me. I wouldn't do anything I didn't want to do. So, when I say I want to have another baby. Sweetheart, I mean I want another baby."

"R-really?" Harry choked out.

"Yeah baby."

"I love you so much! I can't believe we are gonna do this!" Harry said happily. He leaned over and shared a long kiss with the love of his life.


Harry and Louis decided the first thing they needed to do was tell the boys and to tell Blake. They decided to tell the boys first because they knew they would be accepting and Blake would be harder.

Blake was currently at his friend, Cameron's house and was coming back in an hour or two. They would tell the boys now and when Blake got back, they would let him in on the news as well.

"Zayn, Liam, Niall! Come to the living room!" Harry yelled towards the basement. It took a couple minutes but eventually everyone was seated on the couch.

Liam scowled. "I had to stop cleaning for this so it better be important."

Harry and Louis looked at each other and at the same time they said, "We are gonna have another baby!"

It took all of three seconds for the three other boys to process what was said and simutaneously jump off the couch and go hug the soon to be two children parents.

"This is amazing boys!" Niall yelled, overjoyed. The five boys all had humongous grins on their faces.

"I'm so excited for another niece or nephew!" Liam uttered.

"Another addition to our family!" Zayn added.

Louis leaned over and kissed Harry on his cheek. Harry's smile got impossibly bigger.

"Thank you so much boys, this really means a lot to us."

"What's going on?"

They all turned around and saw Blake standing in the doorway.

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