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Third Person POV

 Today was Thursday. That meant Blake had to walk home today. His parents and him made set days of when he would walk home when he wouldn't and today just happened to be one of the days he had too. 

Blake was just walking home, minding his own business when 3 guys, 2 years older then him, starting walking behind him. Blake thought nothing of it, until one came and took his headphones out of his ears. 

"Yes?" Blake said, annoyed. The boy lightly punched him on his arm. 

"You going home to those gay parents of yours? Probably gonna make you join in with their gay activities, it's disgusting. I feel horrible even thinking about it. They proba--" 

Before the boy could say anymore, Blake pushed him, causing him to fall backwards to the ground. 

"What the hell?" The older boy screamed. He got off the ground and signalled his two friends to come over. 

One of the boys pushed him to the ground, but instead of letting him get up, they all joined in kicking him in his stomach, thighs, backside, and arms. 

Blake tried to ignore all the pain but soon it became to much. He cried out for them to stop and they paused for a minute before each giving one last, powerful kick. Deciding they had done enough damage they walked away laughing. 

"Have fun with your fag parents!" One boy yelled as he was walking away. 

Blake let all his tears go as soon as he couldn't see them anymore. He picked up his phone and checked the time, he was already 20 minutes later than when he was supposed to be home. He could try and run, but he knew he didn't have enough strength for that. 

He layed there for another 15 minutes before getting up the best he could. He headed home, hoping his parents would not bring up his lateness for a while and just let him heal for a bit. 

He tried to slip into the house as quietly as he could. Of course, it didn't help any though since his parents were waiting in the living room for him to come home. Blake sighed and starting walking towards the stairs. 

"Where have you been?" Harry asked, loudly. 

Blake decided not to answer. He didn't want to speak to anyone right now. He was in pain and he just need to go relax not be yelled at. So, he continued to walk. 

"Blake!" Louis yelled.

Still no answer.

"I'm warning you Blake, stop walking right now." Louis said, shocked at his son's disobedience. 

As Blake was about to step on the first step of the stairs, Louis came over and grabbed his arm. 

"Blake! Why aren't you listening?" 

Blake knew he was in for it now, he didn't even care.

"Please, just leave me alone." Blake pleaded, looking directly into his dads eyes. 

Louis felt a little pang in his heart, but thought nothing of it. Blake had been naughty and he needed to be punished. 

Louis dragged him towards the couch. 

"No, I will not leave you alone mister. You come home 40 minutes late with no excuse and then flat out give me and your dad attitude. You are going to be punished." 

Louis sat on the couch and pulled Blake across his lap. Blake whined when a bruised spot touched Louis' knee. 

Louis lifted his hand and brought it down firmly. Blake shrieked loudly, but Louis ignored it, just thinking he was upset he was getting punished. 

"You know what this is for so I don't need to explain." Louis continued to bring his hand down hard, but it was getting difficult with how much struggling Blake was doing. 

"Stop. Struggling. Or. I. Will. Pull. Down. Your. Pants. And. Boxers." Louis said, with a harsh slap on each word. 

As much as Blake wanted to stop, he couldn't it hurt to much. 

Louis sighed angrily, and stood Blake up. He took down his jeans and laid him back over his lap and then pulled down his boxers. But instead of seeing what he normally saw, a reddened bottom, he saw a reddened bottom with bruises leading up his back and down his thighs. 

"Harry!" Louis screamed out. Harry came walking out of the kitchen, an apron around his waist.

Darling, I was making dinner. This better be impor--" Harry stopped when he saw his husband with tears falling down his ms cheeks. "Honey, what's going on?"

"Come here." Louis managed to choke out. Blake then realized he dad had spotted the bruises. 

"Shit." Blake thought to himself. 

When Harry saw Blake's backside, he covered his mouth as he gasped.

"Did you do this Louis?" Harry asked, shocked.

"No! Of course not! Did I?" Louis was even questioning himself. 

"Can I stand up now?" Blake asked. Louis quickly helped Blake to his feet.

"It wasn't you dad. I got beat up today." 

"What? You got beat up? By who?" Harry questioned. 

"Noah Angus, Spencer Roberts, and Scott Mckenzie." 

"Show us what they did." Louis ordered. Blake shook his head. "Blake. Now."

Blake reluctantly took of his shirt and let his fathers see his bruised up body. 

"Honey! I can't believe this happened to you!" Now, Harry and Louis both had tears streaming down their faces. 

"Why?" Harry stuttered out.

"Because you guys are gay. Some people at my school aren't okay with that so they take it out on me. That's why I came home late. I got beat up and when I came home I just wanted to heal and be by myself, so that's why I didn't answer." Blake said with a sigh. "Dad, that spanking hurt like hell. Even more then the time you belted me." 

"I'm so sorry honey. I didn't know. Me and your dad are going to go into the school tomorrow, okay? If those kids want to talk to someone about how wrong it is to be gay, they can come speak to us. Okay?" Louis said, rubbing Blake's back. 

"Yeah. Thanks."

"No problem sweetie. Now, how about we go watch a movie just the three of us, and you can heal up those bruises." Harry suggested. 

"That sounds amazing." 

Blake really did love his family.


a/n: hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I've been having major writers block and just a lot of stuff going on in my life. 

Thanks to whoever gave me this idea.

WHo wants to read about the belting that Blake brought up in the next chapter? Put a wink at the end of your comment if you do.

Thanks for reading. :)

Please comment and vote.

I'm really going to try and update more often. 

Two Daddies {Larry Stylinson Spanking Story}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz