Snapbacks and Niall

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Idea credit to: LouisTwerksIt and ilovelouisandjustin

Age: 11

Niall's POV

Harry and Louis have left for a vacation for their anniversary and Liam and Zayn are out with Danielle and Perrie all day leaving me to spend the day alone with Blake. And I'm not that excited for it. Don't get me wrong I love hanging out with Blake, but he always manages to get in trouble when he is with me. I have never spanked him and never want to so when he misbehaves, I have to get another one of the boys to do it and that doesn't make me feel any better. So, I just usually send him to his room hoping that he will stay there and behave.

"C'mon Blake let's go and swim in the pool for a little. Change into your swim trunks." I yelled up the stairs.

He came running down a few minutes later and ran past me, to the backyard and jumped in the pool. When I walked out myself to get in the pool I noticed that he was fully clothed.

"Blake! I said to change into your swim trunks!" I said loudly.

"Yeah, I know." He said rudely.

"Blake, c'mon I really don't feel like punishing you today so can you please behave and listen to me." He gave a small nod. "Thank you, now go upstairs and change. Or else you're not allowed in the pool."

He groaned and got out of the pool, wrapping a towel around him, and heading up to his room.

I grabbed a book that Harry suggested I read and sat down on a chair outside and started reading.

Blake reappeared about 2 minutes later in his swim trunks and jumped right back in the pool.

"Happy?" He said, rolling his eyes.

"Yes, now stop with the attitude." I said sternly.

He brought a floating chair into the pool and sat on it and relaxed.

About an hour later, I just put my book down on my lap for a second and looked up to see Blake standing in front of me with a big bucket of water.

He quickly threw the whole bucket on me and ran inside. He completely soaked my clothes and ruined the book I was reading. That really infuriated me.

"Blake!" I yelled and got up and walked into the house.

I walked in to find Blake looking in the fridge.

"Blake!" I yelled once again.

He turned around from the fridge with a glare on his face.

"What do you want?" He yelled.

"Hey! Blake, you know very well that you aren't allowed to yell at me. Now, that wasn't very nice of you to pour that water on me and ruin my book. Don't do that again." I said angrily.

"Yeah whatever." He said turning back to the fridge and pouring himself some juice in a glass.

I was about to reply to him when he dropped his glass on the ground causing it to break.

"Fuck!" He yelled.

"Blake!" I yelled back. He looked up and glared hard at me. "You know what, just go to your room."

"But" He started but I interrupted him.

"No Blake! Go to your room. Now." I said, yelling loudly and he quickly ran to his room.

When I heard his door slam, I instantly felt a lot of guilt building up inside me. I've never yelled at Blake like I have just now. I decided to clean up the glass and juice and give him some space and apologize later.

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