Chapter 7 : Blessed devotion

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Four Months Later

The things men are capable of will never cease to amaze me. I could tell Derek to clean my entire penthouse floor with his tongue, and he'd do it with a smile.

It all began the day after my ceremony. For over fifty days straight, Derek brought me a new man to torture, knowing it helped me release my stress. One day it was a rapist, another a pedophile, then a wife beater, a child abuser, a mass murderer, a terrorist—each day, a new monster to unleash my wrath upon. For many, this might seem grotesque, but for me, it was the height of romance.

Every night, I came home to a spotless house and a meal prepared to perfection. Derek attended to my every whim as if it were his sole purpose. If I wanted cookie dough ice cream at four in the morning, he'd get it for me without question. Often, we'd spend hours in each other's embrace, and he never failed to remind me how much I was appreciated  and cherished.

At first, I taunted him with the hurtful words he'd once thrown at me, a petty act, but it didn't unmotivate him. Seeing the remorse in his eyes made me partially forgive him. He even got down on one knee, begging for forgiveness, a sight both heartbreaking and unforgettable. I stood over his 6'6" frame as he knelt, hands on my hips, fearful I'd vanish, tears streaming down his face.

He made me feel ...
like I was worth it .

No one else was privy to this moment—this was mine alone. He didn't need to beg; his past words, though harsh, held a bitter truth I didn't want to face. Being the devil's daughter had its perks, but it didn't guarantee everything.

I no longer wanted to be known solely as the offspring of the feared lord of the underworld. I wanted to be Zara Morningstar, the she-devil who made the bravest souls tremble in pure terror . The devil's daughter was just a girl who dreamed she was queen, a girl afraid of the dark, of dying, of losing control.

Nathaniel Hastings, the man I was destined to rule with for eternity, was living proof of this.

|Flashback |

A smirk appears on his lips as he circles me blocking my way

"Careful Miss Morningstar" he caresses my breast in the deserted classroom "I will not tolerate this kind of attitude on my watch , I do not like shameless girls, so be very careful of what you do. "

His eyes are now completely black and I get lost in them, his voice is deeper, much deeper, it's hypnotizing, as if he had plunged me into a trance from which I could not get out.

"Understand, Miss Morningstar?"

"Understood, Mr. Hastings."
I said again, , uncertainly nodding and with legs trembling with fear

"Perfect, you may now leave"

What the hell just happened here? Who is he? What is he?


I try to close my eyes but all I see is him and his eyes invaded by the darkness of his soul.

The man who haunts my nights, my mind that has robbed me of my precious sleep, of my hunger, of everything.

Every time I close my eyes, I see him.

Professor Hastings

It's like he's playing with my mind, making me do what he wants me to do like I'm a fucking puppet.

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