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Ainz, Hecate, Artemis, and Athena walk down a corridor. They are following a man. who is wearing a gown and carrying a magic staff. They are following him.

 They are following him

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Ainz looked around.

'We are currently in Ancient God's territory. I don't know exactly where it is. But I guess we are above the sky. It is a fortress guarded by hundreds of dragons. The angel teleported us to this place.'


Ainz stands on the surface of the tower. Joseph and his generals are quietly standing some distance away from him. Hecate, Artemis, and Athena stand behind him.

Karl and Albedo then approached Ainz.

"Ainz-sama, think again. There are more powerful NPCs in the Tower than Hecate, Artemis, and Athena. You should take them with you. They can protect you better."

Karl said.

"I know. But there's a reason I took the three of them. Most of the powerful NPCs in the Tower are evil Karma. But we are going into the territory of a god.
So I am taking them with me. As they are of god race. There will be no problem if they go with me. Also, they can protect me from divine attack."

"Ah, Ainz-sama, how intelligent you are!" Albedo said excitedly

"Karl and Albedo, you will be in charge of the Tower after I leave. Increase security. Let me know if there is any problem. Also prepare a backup force.
So that I can use them if there is any problem."


The two bowed their heads

Ainz looked up at the sky.

An angel appears in the sky with a bright light.

"I am the messenger of the gods. I have come to take your leader."

Ainz stepped forward.

"I am Ainz Ooal Gown. Their leader."

"Then you are the unholy one. The one who displeased the gods."

The NPCs are angry at Angel.

But Ainz motioned for them to remain calm.

"I want to take all three of them with me."

Ainz pointed to Hecate, Artemis, and Athena standing behind him.

"I wonder. What are they doing with a creature like you?"

"They belong to me. I want to take them with me."

"Huh! Are you planning to give them as gifts to the gods?" Angel scoffed.

They are irritated by this.

"That's none of your business. I want to take them with me."

"Okay. I don't have a problem. Now then we're going."

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