Chapter 15

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Meanwhile, far away in Brighton, England a lady the same age as class 1-A sat on her balcony as she watched the sun rise over the waters edge. She smiled at the sight before blowing on her cup dispelling the steam.
"I wonder, does UA do transfers." She questioned, turning to her closet.

She looked at the mirror seeing her lean muscles bulge and be highlighted by the morning sun, her sports bra flexed with her breath before she stepped out of her room. She ran down the empty beachfront street.
"Morning Ophelia," A familiar voice called she looked across the street and waved. It was her teacher at the academy.
"Remember to train your quirk as well not just your body." He chuckled softly as Ophelia sighed.

"Mr Gillingham it's hard to do outside of school hours without blowing my house up." She sighed again, as her teacher crossed the road to join her on her morning jog. He was a sprightly man but he had long passed the peak of his physical fitness, whereas Ophelia was reaching the peak and showed no signs of slowing, "Damn and blast your quirk." He muttered seeing no sign of stress on her body.

He remembered the details of her quirk down to the finest detail, and it was unfair that someone could be given such good cards; she was able to control the smallest parts of her body down to the last fibre, which meant she could control the flow of her blood to keep it at a point where he body treated it as a light jog. This also meant she could alter her appearance of which she clearly had, but there was a more shocking part...

Her skin and muscles could practically keratinise, make her body tougher but much larger practically doubling her height. No expert could understand why quirk let her do this as it meant every cell in her body could possibly do the same but only her skin and certain fibres of her muscles would harden but leave the rest.

"Thats why you need to learn how to control it pronto." He spoke trying to catch his breath, Ophelia clearly noticed the stress in his voice and slowed down to let the teacher talk without him risking having a exercise induced hyperventilation. He silently thanked her but his ego dare not let him say it out loud.

"How would I do that, even I can't control it and I have a mastery over my body. I can't wrap my head around the fact that I can simply become more crustacean than human, number one I can't find that function in my cells that makes them harden, also biology says that its fuckin' impossible." Ophelia spoke in calm minded outrage as to not irk the hidden quirk settling deep in her being.

"First; watch your language, two; quirks are biologically impossible so you'll figure it out at some point." Mr Gillingham panted, making the girl shrug her shoulders, "Sorry force of habit." She apologised, he looked at her teacher with scrutiny. He was a lanky but surprisingly well built man, if not for the sweat that made his shirt next to see through you'd never be able to tell.

He'd rarely shown off his quirk with the excuse that many would get hurt if he had suddenly lost control, but Ophelia knew the truth, he feared his quirk. It was the main reason why he'd become a teacher in the first place, to help people control their quirk. You had seen it only once but he was right in fearing it.

He turned into a shadow of himself, quite literally, his body became pitch black but it was like a glimpse into the universe beyond with stars in the distance that shined dimly. His hair would begin to float up like it was under water, his eyes were replaced by the brightest stars while his emotions and other facial features disappeared.

This wasn't the terrifying part, it was that; whatever he touched decayed, admittedly it was slow and it burned in white fire, but regardless he could decay anything with any part of his body. However he had figured out a way to hover above the ground so his legs wouldn't decay the floor beneath him. It was a terrifying quirk that had the ability to tear a hole in dimensional space, since the limit of state that his decay could decay was not defined as only things that touch him.

She zoned back in and started walking again as he began to taunt her with petulant mockery about his muscles and how they had clearly drawn her eyes, but she wasn't thinking clearly still as she spoke absentmindedly.
"Admit it, you're more interested in older men, than the 'buffoons' in your class as you called them." Mr Gillingham was still mocking her, now sarcastically, as they jogged along the coastline.

"Where'd you get that idea from!" She shouted in an angered tone, that made Mr Gillingham chuckle.
"Im joking, anyway are you gonna make a move on any of the boys in my class or are you gonna become a saint." He asked jokingly. Ophelia paused, looking out to the ocean.
"Gods no, I stand by my words." She spoke absentmindedly as her thoughts went off on a tangent about transferring to UA.

"Also, its not like Im interested in boys." She continued, but only as Mr Gillingham caught up with a shocked expression did she realise what she had said. She began to choke as she lost hold of her control over her cells, she buckled over staring blankly at the floor as her cheeks blushed to her ears.
"I can't believe I just told you that. FUCK!" She shouted but this time Mr Gillingham didn't think about telling her to mind her language, as far as he was concerned it was a understandable reaction to letting that slip.

"Uh well I don't really know what to say." Mr Gillingham, rubbed the back of his head while chuckling. Ophelia bolted upright and stared her teacher in the eyes.
"Then don't say anything and act like this never happened." She spoke clearly, before sprinting off in a dead straight line.

"Well then thats settled." He chuckled, he looked around before sitting on a bench to catch a desperate breath, "I hope she doesn't try to beat me to death today." He spoke his tone light.
"If I was brutally honest, I expected as much." He leaned back into the bench and looked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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