Chapter 5: Daybreak

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I think I fell asleep,
Only to wake up,
Somewhere completely new.

A quaint room,
Nothing more than a bed,
And a wooden desk that matched it.

My clothes also changed,
What once was a dusty vest,
Was now a white shirt.

Pure white,
Not a single wrinkle,
And the first time I have worn buttons.

Simple brown pants,
Not the nicest leather,
But still felt too good for me.

I opened the desks drawers,
Inside were more clothes,
And a single note.

It read:
"Since you'll be working downstairs,
I figured you needed new clothes.".

I opened the only window,
And saw the same town below.

Where was I?!
Though I had several questions,
I put my new clothes on.

But before I went downstairs,
I made the bed,
And secured my satchel.

Down the steps I went,
Marching to the beat,
Of a familiar tune.

I was at a loss for words,
I was at the guild's base,
That was the pub.

The manager greeted me,
And said a certain man,
Paid for my room.

She gestured to a table,
And it was obvious;
That loud Armes.

I walked over there,
But he noticed me at once,
And laughed towards me.

"Lad!!", he bellowed,
"How's the new outfit, huh?!
Nothing too tight I hope."

I said it fit like a glove,
To his delight,
And he made me sit down.

"'Venturing takes money, lad.",
He went on,
"So I got you this job 'ere."

I teased him for sounding drunk,
This early in the day,
And he just laughed.

He practically was yelling at me,
"It's way passed FOUR now!!"

I almost forgot,
I had watched the sunrise;
Did I sleep for that long?!

I got embarrassed,
But Armes noticed,
And tried to explain better.

He went in full detail,
Of how proud he was,
Of what I did last night.

In my ear he whispered,
That he knew all along,
That I was lying.

But he said I deserved a chance,
So he gave me this job;
This great gift.

If I earned enough money,
I could fund real adventures;

He believed in me,
I wouldn't let him down,
I would be a hero!

But we all start somewhere,
Even a waiter,
Would become a legend.

So with a smile,
And pen in my hand,
I stood up and proudly said:

"Welcome to the Rusty Spoon,
May I take your order?"
Armes just laughed.

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