Chapter 17: One weigh in, but no way out

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To the tic of a clock,
To the hourglass sand,
One week had flown by.

And in that time,
Both the sun and the moon,
Watched from a far as I trained.

I had succeeded;
I had crushed my soul,
Until it came back stronger.

The calendar marked Monday,
So I departed,
For my license test.

As I walked out of the pub,
The air was sweet,
Though the sky looked dusty.

Great silver clouds turned bronze,
When embraced by the rays,
The great star produced.

I marched to the beat of drums;
Though the sound came from,
My loud heart racing.

Ren had told me where to go:
A great coliseum,
East of the guild.

There they would host the tests,
Both the weigh in,
And the written parts of it.

As for the survival,
That was always random,
Even for this year.

It was a long trek,
But as I got closer,
I noticed something new.

Several kids also marched,
But not to drums;
Theirs was a cold song.

Confidence in every step,
I'm sure their hearts,
Were as cool as flutes.

From their style of dress,
I could tell they were well off;
As I wasn't.

I was eighteen,
But as the crowd grew,
I realized I was old for it.

I saw twelve year olds,
But most looked around,
Fifteen to sixteen at most.

After all,
In the kingdom of Ligen,
"Adults" were at age sixteen.

Regardless of age,
There we all paraded,
Into Borhn's greatest hall.

It was called "The Prologue",
As it gave birth,
To Legin's future heroes.

A huge cobblestone building.
It was round in shape,
With four great towers.

Across all the walls,
Were beautiful stained glass windows,
Rich in flavor.

Portraits of saints and heroes,
To plain landscapes,
And stories of Borhn's past.

A crimson red splashed across,
When a cool blue-green,
Couldn't convey it.

Through the morning light,
Each one of them,
Shone like the eyes of God's angels.

But the most gorgeous one,
Was at the main doors' top,
Which sung a gold song.

It showed the humans' King Vincent,
As he rode a horse,
Wearing all green.

Though his cloak was green,
From whence he pulled his sword,
Was golder than the sun.

He looked onto all of us,
With judgement,
As the coliseum's crown.

I was caught star gazing,
And had held up the line,
To which I was told...

All the takers were ushered in,
And were divided,
Into large groups.

Even the inside was rich.
With grandfather clocks,
And lush carpentry.

I surely could get lost,
In this hall's many halls;
If left to my own.

But my group followed the mage.
He wore all silver,
And his eyes were closed.

A pure black cloth covered them,
And when asked upon,
He replied calmly.

"In this hall,
Anyone may enter,
In hopes of passing this exam.

That is why, us proctors,
Are blindfolded;
As righteous judgement is blind.

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