Chapter 7: Recall and regroup

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I checked out for the night,
Thanked the manager,
And went back to my room.

The pay here was good,
In a few weeks,
I could pay for my own room's rent.

But that's not for long,
Once I get my adventure license,
I'll be gone.

My meals were from the pub,
But before this,
I'd grow any food I could.

A pathetic gardener,
But when you're starving,
Anything tastes good.

I never had family,
For all my life,
I've been alone in slums.

But that fateful day changed it;
I was finally free,
But I still dreamt.

Who was at my house that day?
I had forgotten,
I was still "running".

Maybe that's where my fears emerged,
The thought of going back,
Scared me so.

That's why I'll get stronger,
And become a hero,
To end poverty.

Our king is so corrupt,
The classes are so tipped,
In his court's favor.

Overthrow a king?
A man can dream,
But I'm so far away from that.

Lying on my bed,
I lost track of time;
I had left Armes waiting.

I put my casual clothes on,
And locked the door,
Running down the stairs.

I hope this training,
Makes me forget,
All the overthinking I did.

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