Chapter 8: Commence training

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'The grove outside town',
That's where Armes said to meet him,
So there I went.

The pub was on the outskirts,
So the walk wasn't long;
But I still ran.

The sun was getting lower,
Its honey yellow,
Was turner pinker.

As I hurried along,
The sunset made me think,
Of seeing Seré.

I slapped myself hard.
Now wasn't the time,
I needed to get stronger.

If I could,
Then I could fight properly,
And one day protect her.

All the wooden buildings,
Looked the same,
And yet had different auras.

Smoke climbing out of chimneys,
A cute plant or two;
They all shared these things.

I ran past every sign,
Until I got closer,
To my end line.

I could see the town's gate.
A huge arch leading outside,
To the forest.

The woods were well kept.
Still in the human realm,
But past the grove was not.

I never left the realm.
Not that I "couldn't",
But outside was unsafe.

Once I get that license,
I'll have to leave the realm,
On an adventure.

Hopefully by then,
I could face all dangers,
Without anyone's help.

That's why I'm training,
In the first place.
I was now under the town's gate.

The light switched over,
From direct sunlight,
To gentle light leaking through.

I was only a few steps in,
But I could tell,
How vast the woods were.

Very generic stuff:
Picture book flowers,
And a million trees.

You could hardly see the sky,
With all the trees' leaves,
Acting as a veil.

No wildlife in sight,
In fact,
No plants that could sustain them either.

That was very odd,
Considering how big the grove was.
I felt chills.

Suddenly from above,
An arrow fell down,
Piercing through the soft grass.

To be honest,
It barely missed my right foot.
It sure gave me a fright.

Attached was a note,
With familiar penmanship,
It was Armes'.

It read,
"Across the woods you'll find weapons,
Use anything to beat me..."

It went on,
"...I'm hidden somewhere,
Your first test is to hunt me down, lad."

He never signed his letters,
But when you say "lad",
Everyone should know.

But more importantly:
Hunt down Armes?!
And this was just the first day...

No time to complain.
I had to overcome this,
To show what I'm worth.

I started searching for weapons,
Anything would do.
Can't be picky.

But engraved on one tree,
Were words that made me sweat,
And freeze where I stood.

Carved into the bark was,
"Oh just one more thing.
I'm huntin' you too, lad."

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