Chapter 12: How to fight

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This first lesson,
The doctor lectured,
And I was supposed to take notes.

All this studying,
Was common among those,
Who wanted their license.

With a license,
You could pass through realm to realm,
Without any taxes.

It allowed you to get paid,
For any quests you complete.

It was hard to obtain,
But with it,
Your travels were much freer.

Ren relayed all this to me,
And said the test,
Failed four fifths of takers.

The doctor's next lesson,
Was combat based,
And very helpful to me.

He taught,
"There are three ways to fight:
Weapon, Magic or Summon style."

Weapon was simple.
It included any combat:
No mana.

Magic was harder.
There were several,
But it took mana to use.

There was elemental,
(Which people were born with),
Or 'engraved magic'.

Typically with an item,
Engraved magic:
Anyone could master.

Summon was the rarest,
It usually involved:
A sacrifice.

You could call to battle,
Soldiers made of pure mana,
But at a price.

Most adventurers used,
A combination,
Of weapons and magic.

Summoners were often seen,
As evil doers,
Or ancient heroes.

Its practice was scarce,
That's why,
They were often sought out among the guilds.

The doctor used to fight.
He said that's how he met,
A certain loud man...

His magic was honed.
He still kept it sharp,
In case he was still needed.

Though he's since retired.
He went on to practice,
Children's medicine.

He bore the element wind,
And with it,
The nickname of "Silver Storm".

I had more respect for him,
But he just blushed,
And said it was long past.

"In all my years...",
He sighed,
"I could never beat Armes in a duel."

He looked disappointed,
But wind versus fire,
Was a bad matchup.

He was flustered he got off track,
But all I could think was:
"Who was Ren?"

The day flew by,
So he bid me farewell,
And safe travels going home.

I would do this class,
Every weekday,
For a predicted whole year.

This knowledge was useful,
But I still craved more;
Thus I started reading.

After my classes,
I would go to the library,
To study more.

But there was one problem:
The library,
Was in the block across ours...

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