just a fucking movie?

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me and Sam have been friends for a long time now. We meant in collage and had a few conversations nothing much, I always thought it was so cool how his brother literally Jamie bower...Jaime was always my celebrity crush. After some time I got to know Sam and we became really close friends, best friends. I've had a conversation or two with Jaime but nothing much it feels really awkward for me since I've been in love with him for years and he seems like he just really doesn't care..at all. Oh and how could I forget to mention that Sam caught on to the crush I had on Jamie. Of course he probably was used to hearing girls always talk about how hot his brother was but still, if sam caught on Jamie probably did which is probably why he avoids me.
I was watching a show when I heard my phone ring, when I picked it up it was Sam.

"Y/n I need you to come over right now"
Sam said sounded like it was a do
Or die situation.

I asked confused

       Sam's house was at least an half in hour away
And it was 11:56pm. Also I hate driving when it's dark and he knows that.

"Listen I just really need you to and before you even fucking say it I KNOW you hate driving at night, I have a limo sent over already, it'll be there in about 15 minutes..okay?"

I stayed silent trying to think of what
Could be so important

He repeated himself

"Yeah yeah okay"

"Oh also Jamie's gonna be in there"
He said really quickly

he hung up..that bitch really said that
Then hung up.

Shit shit shit. I have to get ready.
I rushed to my room putting on light makeup and a cute outfit nothing to fancy though I didn't want it to look like I was trying to impress someone.

Once I was done the limo pulled up and I left to get it. Damn, there he was. Jesus how can someone look so hot literally doing nothing. He wasn't even trying and he was hot. Fuck I couldn't stop staring at him. His sharp jaw line, his cheekbones, his piercing blue eyes, everything, he was beautiful. Jamie caught on and looked at me. I quickly looked away hoping he didn't notice. This was awkward.
I have to say something maybe then it'll seem like I was staring because I was gonna talk. No it wouldn't that's just stupid. But it might. Could it work. I had to try, but I didn't know what to say.

  "Ummm do you know why we have to go
To Sam's?"
I asked

He said. He looked high, it was hot though not gonna lie.

We finally arrived at Sam's house. We got out of the car and went in.

"GOOD.. you guys are here"
He said with a sigh of relief.

"Well yeah..why though?"
I asked

"Because I wanna watch a movie"
What the fuck..I love Sam but sometimes he can be so random, he said that like it was a normal thing to call your best friend and your brother who both live pretty far away in the middle of the night acting like something horrible that he really needed help with happened just to say "I wanna watch a movie"

"Are you fucking serious..?"
Jamie asked looking pissed off

"Uhh yeah.."
Sam said

"I'm fucking leaving"
Jamie said before turning around and walking back towards the door.

Sam said running towards the door to keep Jamie from going

"No.. get out of the way"

"Jamie please just stay"
After a while sam convinced Jamie to stay and we ended up watching a horror movie. The whole night I couldn't stop staring at Jamie. He was so damn perfect.

best friends brother || Jamie Campbell bowerWhere stories live. Discover now