the end of an era

307 7 3

Drug use
Self harm
Possible death?

I soothed Jamie the best I could but I couldn't get all the stuff Tristan said out of my head, I've never seen him he such a fucking jerk.

Jamie ended up falling back to sleep.
I have no idea what's gonna go on with the show tonight. I don't know if it'll be canceled or what.

Time skip:

Its been around an hour and Jamie was still asleep. I looked down at his wrist again..I should probably do something about that.. i dunno clean or something.

I started to run my fingers through his soft hair for a while, just thinking about everything.
Eventually I stopped playing with his hair.

He groaned and opened his eyes.

"Why'd you stop?"
He whined

I smiled

I put my hands back in his hair this time he just stayed up.




He looked up at me

"I want you to know I'm here for you"
I was gonna say I love you but I was to scared.
What if he doesn't feel the same's only been two months, is that a long time.. I don't know I've never been in a relationship like this but I know I do love him

He just smiled and me

"Are you still going on tonight or canceling"
I asked

"Going to save me the fucking headache from Tristan"
He said

I nodded

"I wanna go.. I missed the first two nights I really wanna go tonight.. that okay with you?"

"of course"

"I kinda wanna get something different to wear though.. I don't have anything nice with me"

"You look good in everything darling"

"I just want something special"
I said
He nodded

"Would you mind if I went out a few hours before the show and picked something out?"

"Not at all love"

Time skip:

I put on a little makeup and a cute outfit and got my stuff to leave.

"Bye if you need anything call me.. or get Sam or something"
I said before kissing Jamie on the check.

He said back.

Then I left I headed towards the malls.

Jamie's POV:

Everything's going fucking wrong

Fuck fuck fuck

Then Sam walked through the door

Sam said


"So ummm we still going on tonight"

"I guess"

"Kay..hey I'm sorry about Tristan he's being a fucking dick"

"Doesn't matter"

"Sooooo...anything you wanna talk about?"

I got up and grabbed my phone walking towards the door.

"Where you going?"
Sam asked

I said dully

Time skip:

At this point I didn't even know where the fuck I was.

Fuck it.

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled my old dealers number I think he lives somewhere around here.

It rang three times until finally he answered

He said

"Umm hi"



"Why are you calling..? I thought you were clean?"

"Yeah.. I was"


"Yeah I need something"


"Anything I really don't care what it is"

"I don't think this is a good idea"

"Jesus did you go fucking religious or something your a dealer for fucks sake"

"I know it's just.. I actually care about you I don't wanna see you in that situation again"

"Listen I'm not a fucking kid I know what I'm doing"

"Fine meet me at (to lazy to put a address)"


I meant him and that spot and bought a bunch of edibles.
Once I got them I took a few already feeling the relief.

Time skip:
I started walking back to the hotel.
Once I got there I sat down on the bed and started thinking about everything again.

Fuck I can't do this anymore.
2 more.
Fuck I feel guilty for this.
5 more.

I turned on my phone and saw a bunch of stuff posted by fans saying that they thought something was wrong and I've seemed sad lately.

Fuck this..
I took the whole bag.

I felt like I was floating. Jesus Christ.

Soon I felt tears falling down my face.
My head dropped down to my hands as I sobbed.
Why do I have to feel like this.

I wish I was just dead sometimes.
Wait fuck this.. I can be I want it it's the only thing. It's better then feeling like this all the time.

I got up and started walking towards the bathroom. I opened the cabinet looking for something sharp.
I walked back out remembering I have a blade in my phone case.
I took it out and sat down.

I slowly brought it to my wrist and pressed it down dragging it across my skin. Blood rushed out of it as I cut the other one making sure it was deep enough to kill me. I also took a shit Ton of drugs so the chances of me living are slim.
Tears fell out of my eyes as I laid back watching the blood drip out.
My eyelids started to feel heavy so I closed them slowly starting to feel myself lose life.

Y/n's POV:

I picked out a nice outfit after a few hours and started heading back to the hotel. Finally I got there and when I entered the lobby there was Tristan for fuck sake

He said

"The fuck do you want"
I asked obviously still pissed at him

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I was overreacting and I kinda feel bad"

"Oh..we'll okay I gotta get back I'll see you later I guess"
He nodded and I got into the elevator waiting to reach my floor.

Once I did I walked towards the room door and opened it.

A/n: whoop whoop that's the sound of the police

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