
492 18 1

Based off heavenly by cigarettes after sex

Jamie: Y/n:
do you have any
Planes today?
do you wanna do
I know a place you
Might like
ofc where is it???
that's a surprise
well can you at least
give me a hint so I
know what to wear
it's nothing fancy
Wear a hoodie or
Something idk
okay thanks and when
8pm good?
Perfect see you then

Y/n's POV:
I started getting ready a while ago. It was now
8pm when I heard a knock on the door.

I whispered rushing to put on some lip gloss and a spritz of perfume on my neck and wrist.
I started running to the door while shoving on my shoes at the same time.

    Then I took one deep breath to calm myself down before opening the door.
He smiled at me and reached his hand out for mine. I obviously held his hand like any sane or even insane person would, I mean it's literally Jamie he's the sweetest, funniest, hottest, yet adorable guy to humanity.
He walked me out to his car and opened the door for me. What a gentleman. Once he got in and started driving I worked up enough courage to talk.

"So you gonna tell me where we're going yet?"
I asked.

"Nope you'll have to wait."
He said while putting his hand on thigh circling it. I blushed of course.

Time skip:
We got there and it ended up being a very beautiful private field type of place. Perfect place to take me on a first date. Or any date really

"Wow, it's really pretty here"
I said while looking around. As the sun started setting. We both sat down. I laid down with my head in his lap as he ran his hands through my hair.
We just talked it was really nice. It also started to feel a lot less awkward and more like I had talked to him for years. He was really comforting.

Time skip:
I looked over and saw a horse in the distance. I wasn't a horse girl but seeing any type of harmless cute animal made me sorta excited.

"Look a horse"
I said jumping up and grabbing his hand

We walked over and he started gently petting it. It was so cute I couldn't help but take a photo.

"Did you just take a picture of me?!"He asked

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"Did you just take a picture of me?!"
He asked

I said laughing and running away at the same time. He started chasing me and caught up quickly. He grabbed my hips pulling me back towards. We both fell to the ground laughing. I was on top of him staring into his eyes.

"Show me"
He said smiling

I teased

   Then he started kissing me. His soft lips gently colliding with me making me melt into his touch. His hands rested on my waist. One of them left going in another direction. Then he grabbed my phone and broke the kiss.
He chuckled. I got off him and laid down next to him instead. My head rested on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me handing me my phone back.

"Can I post it?"
I asked

He was the one teasing this time.

"Jamieeee please?"

"Well I guess since you said please"
He said sarcastically kissing the top of my head.

I posted the picture on my Instagram tagging him in the caption.

Time skip:
It was now dark out the only light being from the moon. That light shined on Jamie perfect face highlighting it just the right way.



"I know this is our first date and you might not even think of it as that but are we dating?"

"If you want to yes"

"Of course I want to"

"Then yes we are"

  So things were official now.

It was getting late so we drove back to my house and I asked him to come in again. He obviously did.

  This was the best night of my life and it wasn't even over yet

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