The red meams i love you

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Once I opened the door I immediately dropped my bags.
No no no no no this can't be happening

I ran towards the bed and saw him laying there.
A empty bottle of pills and a blade laying next to him. Both his wrist were slit, there was a pool of his blood next to each arm.

Tears fell down my checks as I had no idea what to do, I couldn't think.

I sat on the bed and carefully lifted him up dragging his practically lifeless body into my lap rocking him back and forth.

"No no no please wake up"
I sobbed

"Please I need you..I love you so much"
I panted

He was freezing so I grabbed a blanket and pulled it over him.

"What the fucks going on..."
Sam said walking in Everybody else walked in a little after him.

I guess they realized when they saw the empty pill bottle, blade, blood and my crying.

"Jesus Christ please tell me it's not what it looks like"
Sam said tears starting to form in his eyes

"I don't know what to do.. can someone look for a first aid kit or something"

Sam left starting in the bathroom. I'm guessing the reason why he was so fast to go was because he didn't want to see his brother like this.

"oh god I don't think he's even breathing"
I started crying even more.

"Fuck shouldn't we call an ambulance or something"
I don't even know who said that I was to focused on Jamie

"Yes please go do that"
I said

I kissed him on the forehead telling him it was gonna be alright but honestly I didn't know if it was.

Sam ran out of the bathroom with a first aid kit scrabbling to open it up. Once he got it open he started going through it until he found a gauze roll.

"This good?"
He asked

I took it and started wrapping each wrist up.

"Can you pass me safety pins"

He did as I asked and I secured it together kissing him on the forehead once again. The point of the gauze was to help with the bleeding until there was people that actually knew what the fuck they were doing here. I didn't know if it would help but it won't do any damage so.

"There on their way"
Jimmy said


"The ambulance"

"Oh yeah"

"I called our agent to to let him know to cancel"

"Thank you"
I said

Sam sat down next to me I rubbed my back to soothe me.

"It's gonna be okay"
He said.

I wrapped my arms around Jamie tighter still moving back and forth waiting for the ambulance.

"Just hold on a little longer"
I whispered in his ear.

I had no idea if he could hear me or if he was even alive but if there was any chance I'm taking it.


A little while later I started to hear sirens.
A bunch of paramedic people came rushing through the door. I moved out of there way so they could take him.

"Ma'am would you like to come? Most people liked to sit in the back"
A lady asked me

"Yes..can they come to"
I asked

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