car accident

408 12 2

Jamie's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. it was Sam. I looked at the time before answering it, it was 4AM why the fuck was he calling me at 4AM.
I answered it before it woke up y/n.


He cut me off. His voice was shaky and he sounded scared. There was also a weird beeping noise and the sound of wheels dragging on the floor along with what sounded like multiple people running. it the background, it almost sounded like he was in a hospital.

"Sam where are you"
I asked starting to get a little panicked. Then I heard another voice.

"Mr. bower your gonna need to get off of your phone now, you can get it back after you come out of surgery."

As soon as I heard that I sat up what did she mean surgery what happened.

"But I need to-"
Sam started

"I'll tell him for you okay"
the lady cut him off

"Hello I'm assuming your Jamie..Sam's brother?"
The lady asked

"Yes what's going on?, is he okay? Did he get hurt? HELLO? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?"

"sir I'm gonna need you to calm down you brother was in a car accident."

At this point I was already getting dressed and looking for my car keys

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that?"

"What why not?"
I began throwing stuff around trying to find my keys not for the life of me being able to remember where I put them for the life of me.

Y/n groaned I started to open my eyes. When she saw me she asked me if I was okay.

"Umm we don't know if he's okay yet. But he wants you down here for when he's out."

"Okay yeah I'll be there but what hospital"
As soon as I saw hospital y/n looked scared and got up rushing over to me.

The lady told me the hospital then hung up.

"What happen who's in the hospital?"
Y/n asked

"Sam he got in a car accident I don't know if he's okay yet but he's getting test done and surgery on something but they wouldn't tell me what."
I explained still looking for the keys

"Oh my god"
She said. As she noticed the. I was panicked she kissed me on the check and rubbed my back trying to calm me

I finally found the keys and we left.

A/n: sorry for the short chapter and it isn't edited

best friends brother || Jamie Campbell bowerWhere stories live. Discover now