PLEASE . . .NO!!!!

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Skelly: Wither!!!

Wither: * my eyes golted open and I looked up to see Speacter and Skelly *

Skelly: Are you ok?

Wither: Where am I?

Speacter: In the world . . . . . . ?

Sabrina: DAD! MOM!

Wither's Pov: That kid is not one of the kids in my dream world! This one is diffrent she lookes like a girl version of Speacter and her eye color is purple! . . . . . Skellys eyes are purple . . . .

Skelly: Yes, baby!

Sabrina: Mommy, look a snail!

Wither's Pov: NO! NO! NO! Oh no! What is happening to me! I am in a nightmare!

Skelly: Wither, are you ok?



Withers Pov: That hit me like a knife!

Enaya: WITHY!

Nora: DADDY!

Wither's Pov: I looked at them for a few secounds before realizing they are my so called family, I never liked Enaya, she was a pick my girl and other boys and girls whould have a crush on her all the time. I never said anything about it! Enaya does this on purpose so others are jealous or to make me jealous! It never works tho!

Nore: Daddy, are you ok!

Wither: Yes,dear

Wither's Pov: I tryed not to act crazy or this would alarm everyone, and the girl looked like me so I knew she was my daughter!

Nora: Daddy, I want icecream but Mommy said no!

Wither: I mean you mom is right dear, haveing to much candy is bad for you!

Nora: HM

Wither's Pov: Everyone started to laugh like pyscho people and all I wanted was to get out of this world and go back to the first one! Not even the Skelly and me toagther universe! Only the Rainbow High one! Just then Skelly looked at me and told me if we can talk in private, I accepted the request and followed him into the guest room!

Skelly: Are you sure you are fine!

Wither: Yes! Why?

Skelly: I was just worryed

Wither: Ok . . . . .

* We where in the room for a few minutes before Speacter and Enaya came to check what was happening but before after they opened all of us stood in silence! They saw me and Skelly making out on the bed and Speacter was not having it, Enaya ran crying! Speacter looked at me before looking at Skelly!

Speacter: COME HERE NOW!!!!

* Skelly stood up and stood right beside Speacter, Speacter looked at me and told me to back off! Speacter took Skellys hand and walked off. Skelly looked at me and I knew it was a sign for help, but I got a headache and fainted!

Zom: Wither! Wither!

* My eyes opened again and I saw I was back in Rainbow high! That was a good thing! Zom was right beside me!

Zom: Is everything alright!

Wither: Yup! Let just quickly eat!

Zom: Good Idea! I am starving!

* I saw Skelly at the cafe, I did'nt wave at him nor did I care anymore, I know he would end up with Speacter anyway. I watched as Skelly walked closer and closer, I did'nt want to be mean to him after all it was not his fault, Skelly walked up to me as I looked at him *

Wither x Skelly ( DISCONTINUED ) Where stories live. Discover now