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Skelly: Hold up! I am getting alittle confused here! So what you are saying is that is pink haired girl is not a nice person as I thougth!

Wither: Yes! Sadly that is reality!

Nina: Hey, She can't hurt us right?

* We all looked at Nina in silence, Enaya and Wither just stayed quiet before looking at each other and then Nina *

Enaya: You are underestimating her power! She is dangerous to us, we are in her imagination so she can kill us and forget us in her mind.

Nina: What happends when she forgets about us?

Enaya: We are send to the brain garbage can where we will stay for around a week or two to see if she remembers us, but if not we are gone and forgoten about for years to come!

Wither: There was a girl that had that happen to her, right Enaya?!

Enaya: Yes! A girl name Amaya was sent to the garbage can after Kiara forgot about her, she was never seen again!

* I recalled everything Enaya and Wither said, so Kiara is not a nice girl at all . . .  right? She was nice to me I wonder why tho? I brushed it off and needed to learn more about this Kiara girl before I do anything else *

Skelly: Any days off coming up?

Nina: One, there is one on Friday ( It is Wednesday )

* I think that would be the best day to " study " about this girl *

Skelly: Is there any books about her or somthing?

Enaya: Ofc! Everyones minds have somthing called a mind search bar, you are not her only imagination. Going to this person like thing and asking about Kiara is a great idea, there are also books in the library!

Skelly: Great! Anyone coming with me?

* Everyone was silent for a minute before Wither spoke *

Wither: Babe! You want to go to this guy like thing?

Skelly: I need to learn more about Kiara! Why is she bad, and all that stuff!

Wither: I dont know sweety . . . .

Zom: Wither is right Skelly! It is too risky!

Skelly: I dont care! is anyone with me or am I going alone?

* They stood in slience looking at me, I was disapointed at them but I didnt want to quit *

Skelly: Fine then, * What kind of friends these people are*

Zom: I will come with you Skelly!

Skelly: Really!

Zom: Hell yah, this will be fun

Enaya: I will come too, this is a great chance to learn more about Kiara but also the other imaginations like us!

Nina: I am more into this then any of you!

* I was happy and looked at Wither who looked at the floor in silence *


* I smiled and hugged Wither, he smiled and hugged back *

Wither: Did you really think I would leave you?

Skelly: I love you . . . .

Wither: I love you more . . . .

* Friday *

Skelly: ALRIGHT YALL, WE ARE GOING OUTSIDE OUR WORLD TO SEE WHY . . . . wait why are we doing this again?

Enaya: Too see why Kiara is evil?

Wither x Skelly ( DISCONTINUED ) Where stories live. Discover now