The Woman Across The Street: Reasons I can't Know

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There is this woman who lives across the street,She never shows her face and never waves a 'hi',I have been so curious to find out what she hides,But every step I take she seems to change sides

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There is this woman who lives across the street,
She never shows her face and never waves a 'hi',
I have been so curious to find out what she hides,
But every step I take she seems to change sides.

She likes to play mind games with me,
She cloaks her face with a veil made from the darkest secrets,
My hands itch to just scratch it off her face,
That thought used to be my happy place.

My obsession got worse day by day,
And one night I saw her get out of her house,
I rubbed my eyes vigorously to confirm, my pencil broke as I gripped it too firm.

My legs moved as if they had a mind of their own,
I slipped through the doors band followed the siren,
She was a silent one, no melody needed to pull you towards her,
I should've known better when I heard the black cat purr.

Her steps led into a cornfield which yielded corn no more,
The land dried up with a scarecrow at the centre which scared no crow,
She stopped in front of it and gave a pause,
I realised there was nowhere to hide and then she revealed her silence's cause.

She turned to face me, the veil had vanished in the cold crisp air;
I saw all of her, my eyes climbing her unreadable face,
Her features marred with scars that molded into something so terrifying,
I knew I should've run away but then she said something mortifying.

"Like what you see? How long have you been following me?"
I was stunned by her straightforward questions,
Though I did like what I saw for I wasn't disappointed after all the waiting,
When I couldn't seem to form the words, she continued stating.

"Now you'll have to die because you know the truth of my lies,
I tried to save you from this but you seem to love the pain,
Has no one ever told you curiosity killed the cat?"
My heart forgot how to beat and the air seemed to deplete at that.

She stepped two paces forward tilting her head to the right,
She laughed and laughed like a maniac, a psychopath,
I was completely petrified, my curiosity would be the doom of mine,
The universe had been giving the sign.

A question rose in my self-destructive mind "How will she kill me?",
And without my conscience the words just left my mouth,
Instead of replying to what I said, she unravelled the scarecrow and there it was,
An axe, a rod and an injection? What was that for?

The first time I saw an expression on her face other than the maniac laugh,
She was trying to decide what tool would bring me to my end,
After a minute she grabbed the rod, swinging it in her arms,
She turned around with a devilish grin and I froze with sweaty palms.

I just had to know how this would end,
Though I already knew my fate,
I have never been so bold before and I regretted being so right now,
But something about her made me stay and look at her in 'wow'.

The rod rose high, the moon light not enough to show exactly how much,
I flinched at the sight, crouching down, a poor attempt of self-defense,
It hit so hard, my head shredding apart, the world spinning in whimsical ways,
I fell and fell and fell to the ground after all the circling sways.

The bits after that gruesome night were like clips of my birth,
My head still hurt, my heart still hammering in my chest, I found myself in darkness,
I panicked and hauled trying to get up and then it dawned upon me, I was in my grave,
All my feelings intensified, this was worse than death, I saw no light, I couldn't be saved.

I tried to search for something barely able to squirm but then I found the rod,
I pushed it through the layers of earth to see the light that'd guide me out,
The air touched every inch of me and I sat up and sighed,
I swallowed the air as if I was starving for it, after all I had almost died.

'Why had I survived ? Was it all planned out? Who is she and what secrets did I see?'
The questions burning my brain and frying it up,
I needed to find the answers but I didn't know where to start,
But after this resurrection, I had to find the missing pieces of the woman across the street's puzzle art.

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