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She walks with subtle elegance,Black hair, dark smile, black dress, dark style,Siren eyes calling out to every guy in every corner,Blood red lips, champagne glass, lunar eclipse, shining brass,Fur coat hanging on her shoulders,They say "What a poi...

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She walks with subtle elegance,
Black hair, dark smile, black dress, dark style,
Siren eyes calling out to every guy in every corner,
Blood red lips, champagne glass, lunar eclipse, shining brass,
Fur coat hanging on her shoulders,
They say "What a poised beauty",
And I agree, "She does love poison with her eyes so sooty".

Obsidians dangling from her ears,
Those black eyes know everyone's secrets,
They see everything, my every move was stalked,
I was standing in the crowd talking to Rosalinda,
"Somebody's watching me for the past eight days",
She said, "There may be someone out there who wants you dead",
Before I could ask who the crowd started applauding and she was somewhere ahead.

One step forward, three steps back,
She was in my face,
She reeked the smell of a dead rose,
We sat at the dinner table together,
I put on a fake smile, Rosalinda was nowhere to be seen,
I kept fiddling with my diamond ring,
He sat opposite to me, but smiling not at me but her,
The night was dark and gilded with glamour, I just wanted to disappear.

My dark hair was falling apart,
My white silk dress was slipping off,
White fur on my shoulders was sagging down,
I grabbed a glass of red wine,
Drank it one breath, I went to cry in the party bathroom,
I slipped off my heels and ran out the party barefeet,
I got in the car and drove off without thinking about the consequences,
Jumped in bed as soon as I reached home,
The bed that was made in Rome.

Five days I stay inside,
He came that night in fury,
Every bruise is a love scar,
He is busy at work for so long,
Five days feel like five years,
I make breakfast for him everyday,
But I am feeling dizzy today.

I see them on the screen together,
So close, too close,
I trash every glass in touch,
It's all a hellfire at the house,
He comes back home just to call me a mad woman,
But he doesn't know for me this madness is fun.

Evil, I tell everyone she's evil,
Everyone's going to dawn upon it inevitably,
Evil, machiavellian, ornery and scandalous and evil,
Eventually everyone will know.

I can't sleep at night,
My head feels lighter everyday,
Her smile is creeping in my head,
I stumble upon on the streets,
Asking for help,
When someone takes hold of me,
Drags me into the tall redwood forest,
I see a wild beast in the distance,
I can't run away,
And before I take my last breath I remember,
Something silver in her hands pouring in my drink,
I heard her tell she loved Mercury,
I thought of the planet or the God but it was the metal,
I closed my eyes and said
'Goodbye' to my love, who watched as I entered the realm of the dead.

A few days later I found myself in a metaphysical position,
My body was on the ground, crowded with flash lights,
A detective standing in the centre, stating his news, stopping all the fights.

*This is a sequel to the poem "Who Killed Sarah?"
*Listen to Ultraviolence by Lana del rey

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