chapter eight - projector

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The next day, the group was at the fair

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The next day, the group was at the fair. The band was playing as they walked down the street. Richie took the tuba from a tuba player. He was playing it as the tuba player tried to get it back. There was a new missing kid paper above another. "Right there. They say they found part of his hand all chewed up near the Standpipe." Stan said showing them.

"He asked to borrow a pencil once." Ben told them. Bill walked up to the Edward Corcoran missing paper and looked under it. It was Betty Ripsom's missing paper, Bill said "It's like s-s-she's been forgotten because Corcoran's missing." Richie was still playing the tuba as they talked. "Is it ever gonna end?" Maddie asked.

"What the fuck, dude?" Richie asked as the tuba was taken from him by the tuba player. Eddie walked back with two ice cream cones. "What are you guys talking about?" Eddie asked and Richie grabbed an ice cream cone, telling Eddie, "What they always talk about."

"I actually think it will end. For a little while, at least." Ben said. "What do you mean?" Beverly asked as they all looked at Ben. "So I was going over all my Derry research and I charted out all the big events. The Ironworks explosion in 1908, the Bradley Gang in '35, and The Black Spot in '62. And now kids being... I realized this stuff seems to happen..." "Every 27 years." Bill and Ben said together.

They were now in the park. Maddie, Ben, Beverly, Stan, and Mike are sitting on the bench, while Bill, Eddie, and Richie are seated on their bikes. Eddie asked, "OK, so, let me get this straight: It comes out from wherever to eat kids for like, a year, and then what? It just goes into hibernation?"

Stan asked, "Maybe it's like, what do you call it... Cicadas. You know, the bugs that come out every seventeen years." "My grandfather thinks this town is cursed." Mike told them, causing the other look surprised. "He says that all the bad things that happen in this town are because of one thing... an evil thing that feeds off the people of Derry." Mike told them.

Stanley said to them, "But it can't be one thing. We all saw something different." "Maybe. Or maybe It knows what scares us most, and that's what we see." Mike replied and Eddie told them, "I-I saw a Leper. He was like a walking infection. "But you didn't. Because it isn't real. None of this is. Not Eddie's Leper, or-or Bill and Maddie seeing Georgie, or the woman I keep seeing." Stan said.

Richie smiled with amusement and asked, "She hot?" Stan looked at Richie, unamused. "No, Richie. She's not hot! Her face is all messed up. None of this makes any sense! They're all like bad dreams." Stan yelled and Mike told them, "I don't think so. I know the difference between a bad dream and real life, okay?"

Eddie asked Mike, "What'd you see, you saw something, too?" "Yes. You guys know that burned down house on Harris Avenue? I was inside when it burned down. Before I was rescued, my mom and dad were trapped in the next room over from me. They were pushing and pounding on the door, trying to get to me." Mike said as the sound of Mike's mother screaming was heard in his mind.

"But it was too hot." Mike's parents saying "Hurry, son!" and "It burns!" and his mother screaming rung in his mind. "When the firemen finally found them, the skin on their hands had melted down to the bone. We're all afraid of something." Mike told them.

Richie said as he glanced over his shoulder at the clowns and children on the stage behind him at the sound of a firecracker whizzing, "You got that right." "All right, Rich, what are you afraid of?" Eddie asked. Richie turned away from the stage as the crackers continue bursting and adjusting his glasses before looking at the others, "Clowns..."


The next day, the Losers Club had planned to come to the Denbrough house. They needed to look at something on the projector that the Denbrough family had. Maddie and Bill were setting up the sewer system map onto the wall while Stan and Beverly were closing the curtains. Richie and Eddie were setting up the projector.

Ben arrived and when he came into the garage, Mike then closed it. Ben gave Bill a projector slide of that showed the town of Derry. Bill put it into the projector and fixed it up. "Okay, look. That's where G-g-georgie disappeared." Bill said pointing at the 'Storm Drain.'

"There's the Ironworks and The Black Spot." Maddie said pointing and she continued, "Everywhere it happens it's all connected by the sewers. And they all meet up at the..." "The Well House." Ben said finishing for her. "It's in the house on Neibolt Street." Stan said.

"You mean that creepy-ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie asked as Eddie took a puff from his inhaler. "I hate that place. It always feels like it's watching me." Beverly said. "That's where I saw It. That's where I saw the clown." Eddie said as Beverly and Ben looked at him. Eddie took another puff from his inhaler.

"That's where It lives." Bill said and Stan told them, "I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there." Eddie stood up and looked at them, "Can we stop talking about this? I can barely breathe. This is summer. We're kids. I can barely breathe. I'm up here having a fucking asthma attack. I'm not doing this." Eddie ripped the sewer system map off of the wall.

"What the hell?! Put the map back!" Maddie yelled at Eddie and Eddie shook his head 'no' at her. Soon the slides started to change on its own. "What happened?" Bill asked and Maddie asked, "Bill? What's going on?" Slides of the Denbrough family showed. Soon it got quicker and quicker. "Guys." Mike said as it stopped on one picture.

In the picture was Zack, Bill, Maddie, Georgie and Sharon, holding hands. It started to zoom in on Georgie. "Georgie?" The twins said wondering what was going on. "Bill? Maddie?" Some one asked. Soon it zoomed onto the twins' mother and her hair went in front of her face. The hair then blew away, revealing that it was Pennywise.

The outfit changed, hair and the looks of IT. He gave them an evil smirk as they all began to freak. "What the fuck is that!?" Richie yelled as everyone, except Bill and Maddie, walked backwards. You could now see IT's face due to the hair being out of the demon's face.

"Turn it off! Turn it off!" Beverly yelled and Stan said, "Yeah. Yeah, turn it off. Turn it off!" Mike kicked the projector over to stop it. It kept going. The first one, IT wasn't in it. The next three, IT was as he was even closer. The last one, he was gone... Then it changed again, except It was huge, out of the screen and he had many sharp teeth.

IT looked at Stan. "Run, Stanley!" Richie yelled, causing him to run. "Hey!" Maddie yelled, causing IT's attention to go to her while the boys and Beverly got away from it. "MADDIE, RUN!" Bill screamed at his sister. She began going into the wall as IT got out of the screen, quickly crawling to her.

Maddie fell over a cord and crawled back into the wall. It reached out to her causing Maddie to hug her legs and close her eyes as she cried from fear. "Maddie!" They all yelled while Mike and Ben quickly opened the garage door. Bill ran to his sister, holding her.

"Maddie, he's gone. I got you sis." Bill said as he tightly held her. Maddie nodded into his neck. He then helped her up. Maddie wiped her eyes front the tears. "Thanks, Ben. Thanks, Mike." Maddie said from them opening the garage door. Beverly immediately hugged her new best-friend.

"It saw us. It saw us, and it knows where we are." Eddie said to them all. "It always did, so let's go." Maddie said as she and Bill walked to their bikes.
"Go? Go where?" Ben asked the twins. "Neibolt. That's where G-g-georgie is." Bill said. "After that? Maddie, you nearly got kill!" Stan said at her.

"I don't give a fuck about that, Stan. It's just trying to mess with us!" Maddie yelled. "Aren't you scared though?" Ben asked her. "Okay, yes I'm still scared and freaked out a little. But that isn't going to stop me or Bill from getting our little brother back." Maddie said to Ben.

"But it's summer. We should be outside." Richie told the twins. "If you say it's summer one more fucking time..." Maddie cut Bill off by say, "Let's just go, Bill." Bill nodded and the twins got onto their bikes, heading towards the Well House. "Bill! Maddie! Wait!" Beverly called out but the twins kept going.

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