The Field Trip That Ended in a Disaster 🌼🐡

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This was requested by the_demon_king

Today was going pretty well so far for Peter Parker, at least in his standards. Flash and his goons haven't beat him up yet or strangely enough called him any names. HE probably just jinxed himself, but all well. He was in a very good mood today, but that all changed in 6th period.

Peter walked into class like any other day and sat down in his seat right next to his best friends in the whole entire world Ned and Mj. Ned and Peter have been friends since the 6th grade. Mj on the other hand had just joined their group last year.

"Alright class listen up. I have a special announcement to make." Mr. Harrington told the class after the second bell rang. The kids settled down and stopped talking to allow him to speak.

"Since this class is the best performing class in all of New York, thank you Mr. Parker." several of the students turned to look at Peter. It was no secret that Peter had the best grades in the whole school, but it still made Peter embarrassed whenever someone brought it up. That's why he is now hiding his bright red face in his arms, wishing the ground would swallow him.

"We have been awarded a field trip to..." he paused for dramatic effect, " the Avengers Tower!" Mr. Harrington announced excitedly. Peter's face immediately pales. The class erupted into cheers of delight. Peter on the other hand couldn't have been more miserable. As always, he spoke too soon.

"Ready for your lie to be exposed Penis!" Flash shouted at him over the other students. Yup he most definitely jinxed himself earlier.

About a year ago Ned let it slip that Peter had an internship at Stark Industries which was the cover up Tony Stark had for why Peter is always seen at the tower and with the Avengers. The truth was he was Spiderman.

The problem with this cover up was that Stark Industries doesn't hire high school students, so FLash and his goons didn't believe Ned and Peter. They made sure that the whole school thought it was fake and that Peter was lying. Ever since then most kids stopped talking to Peter all together because they thought he was a no good liar who was only looking for attention.

The good thing that came out of this was that he knew who his real friends were. Mj who at first didn't know Peter was SPiderman, still believed that Peter was telling the truth. Eventually she figured everything out, but it was still nice for Peter to know that Mj really was his friend and had his back.

"Yeah! So you mine as well admit you're lying already!" Chad Mendez said following Flash's lead.

"Nah, he's too much of a pussy to do that." Brad Davis responded. Brad is a wannabe gangster and honestly it's just pathetic. Chad Mendez and Brad Davis could totally pass off as twins. They both look alike, act alike, heck even their names sound alike. It brings a new meaning to the saying brother from another mother.

Chad, Brad, Patrick Jackson, and James Winter are all little flying monkeys for Flash. In other words, they follow his every command. They think that they're all tough and unstoppable, but Peter could defeat them all in under a minute with his eyes closed. The only reason he hasn't put an end to their bullying is because he doesn't want to risk his identity as SPiderman and he doesn't want them picking on some other poor kid.

Peter can handle the many bruises this group of wannabe thugs give him daily, but that's only because he has superpowers. No one else could go through this everyday, so he does his duties as Spiderman and takes all the hits and mean comments, so another kid doesn't have too.

Mr. Harrington, upon hearing the boys teasing, sends a warning look, but not to the bullies, no he sends a warning look to Peter. You see none of the teachers believe Peter either. Even though they all know that Peter would never lie and always tells the truth even if it hurts him, they still don't believe him.

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