🟧ɔɥɐdʇǝɹ 11🟧

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Ella's POV
As I closed my eyes I felt arms around my waist. I turned my head to see it was Kun I smiled up at him and he kissed me gently. He rubbed my waist giving me comfort. I looked up at him.

Me - You okay???

Kun - More than okay

I smiled at him. We take a shower together. Once we finished I got dressed in this.

═════════•°•⚠️•°•═══════I know the woman isn't black, but go with it, people!!! ═════════•°•⚠️•°•═══════

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I know the woman isn't black, but go with it, people!!!

Kun - You hungry Mamas your breakfast is in the kitchen

I nodded. I went on down to get breakfast and started thinking about everything

Kun - Mamas... Mamas you okay???

I looked up to see Kun Sitting next to me.

Me - Oh yea I was just thinking about my life...

Kun - You wanna talk bout it??

I nodded.

Me - As long as I've been alive... I've seen a lot of things... Some I wish I hadn't. I've seen people get killed just for their race. I almost got rapped because I was just an object in the eyes of a white man... My tentacles scared him off. He said I was a freak. I've seen people with nothing but scars too scared to speak when I got them. When they left they had a somewhat normal life... Their pasts made it hard, but they made it. I got y'all thinking I would be alone again, but y'all changed my life for the better...

He gave me a sorry smile. He held my hand rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

Kun - We love you mamas, okay we don't care what race you are if you had six heads, we love you for you.

I smiled kissing him gently.

Me - I'm glad... You know each of you guys reminds me a bit of my husband... You have a smile like him... But you have the prettiest eyes

He smiled and I finished eating. We went up to find  Doyoung, Chittaphon, Jaehyun, SiCheng, Jungwoo, Lucus, Mark, Boa, Xiaojun, Hendery, Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin, YangYang, Shotaro, Sungchan, Chenle, Jisung, Taeil, Johnny, Taeyong and Yuta sleeping. I looked over at Kun.

Me - You tired baby???

He shakes his head.

Kun - I'm alright Mamas, wanna watch a movie???

Me - Sure love.

I take him to the movie room.

I let him choose one as I sat down

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I let him choose one as I sat down. I held up one with me on the cover.

Kun - Let's watch this!!! It's got you in Mamas!!!

I smiled and nodded. As he put it on he was glued to the screen as I smiled remembering filing it

Kun - You don't look any different Mamas!!!

I giggled.

Me - I was 29 then... I got paid $200

Kun - Was that a lot???

I nodded.

Me - Back then for a black woman it was like millions.

He nodded

Me - I was actually one of the 1st black women to play a role other than a slave or a maid.

Kun - That's good!!

It got to a kissing scene in the movie.

Me - He did not like me at all...

Kun - Don't get why not.

Me - He told me that I need to be barefoot and pregnant that's all I was good for.

He frowned.

Kun - That's a bit weird...

Me - Now it is, back then that's basically what women were just popped out babies when their husbands wanted them.

Kun - That's not fair.

Me - It wasn't, but that's just how it was back then. So me doing other than just that was a big problem. My husband support me, but I wasn't getting much then so he worked... A heat stroke killed him... His boss didn't care when he fell out... He was just a useless black man...

Kun - I'm sorry Mamas...

I nodded.

Me- That's when I found out I can't die... I take 2 bottles of sleeping pills... I was sick... I wasn't thinking about my kids at the time... Which was selfish but I was scared... I wasn't getting enough to feed all of us... When 5 of my kids got sick I couldn't even get them medical help...

He hugged me gently.

Kun - Well you don't need to think like that anymore Mamas... We are gonna help you just like you gonna help us...

I smiled at him and gave him a kiss.

Me - I have my bad days and good days... But with y'all, I haven't had a bad day... I'm glad that y'all decided to stay with me.

He smiled.

Kun - We are too Mamas.

I smiled as we keep watching the movie...

End Of POV

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