Chapter 21: Tension Rising

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As my eyes open once again to the morning light peeking through my bedroom window, I notice that Will isn't lying there beside me. He's gone, once again. I find myself slightly disappointed at that, for an unknown reason. He's usually only up this early nowadays if something's on his mind. It's too cold out to simply watch the sunrise for the sake of it.

I wonder what he's thinking about this time. I thought we had resolved things and were able to feel better, despite everything that happened yesterday. Then again, maybe he's just up early for some other reason, who knows.

Opening my bedroom door, I slip out quietly and shut the door behind me. I begin to scan the house, trying to find Will. I finally put on a sweater and shoes, before heading outside. The rain has stopped and there are puddles of water forming in the snow. I see him at the top of the cliff, sitting on a log. He must've brought one up there, as it's not in its usual place by the fire pit.

I trudge through the slush and make my way over to him.

"Will? What are you doing?", I ask. "How long have you been out here?", He turns around slowly, which reveals his dark, baggy eyes to me. I already know the answer to that question. I stop in my tracks, before folding my arms angrily. "Why did you stay out here all night? I thought you went to bed with me!" Will sighs.

"I don't know....I just...wanted to be safe," he replies. "It felt like people could come at any moment, just like yesterday." I roll my eyes. "I suddenly couldn't sleep last night, so.....I decided to take matters into my own hands."

"What? I thought you were fine!" I sigh, in disbelief. This is ridiculous. "You're living in fear, Will. This is going to kill you, as if your insomnia isn't a big enough issue already."


"Yes! You are an insomniac, both by your own choices and your brain! You need to at least try to sleep!" While I used to have nights like that before running away, I never willingly did something like this. "Remember what I said last night? Come back inside! You're being ridiculous." Will sighs and rubs his eyes wearily.

"You're right," he replies, exasperated. "Let's go."

"Thank you!" I grab his hands and pull him up. "You're going to sleep, too." Will doesn't dispute me, as I practically drag him inside. I send him into our room. "I don't want to see you for a few hours." I shut the door more aggressively this time. I notice Alexa standing outside her door. Evie heads outside, without saying a word.

"What's wrong? Trouble in Paradise?", she jokes.

"Will stayed up all night last night on night watch, in the cold, all because of what happened yesterday!", I reply frustratedly. "He's worried too much about things. Where's Evie going?"

"To build the fire," she replies.

"Okay, I have to bring the log he took back to the fire-pit. See you later." I head back outside to the top of the cliff to collect Will's log. Carefully, I step down the slushy, slippery hill. I then feel myself losing balance. Throwing the log into oblivion, I see the ground approaching me, as I land on it with a shallow, yet frigid splash.

"Candice!", calls Evie, rushing towards me, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I answer. "Where's the log?"

"Over here." Evie picks it up, before slamming it back in place on the ground where it was supposed to be. "Why did Will spend the night outside last night?", she gasps, catching her breath.

"I don't know," I reply, shaking my head. "He said he wanted to keep us safe, and that he felt like people were coming." I sit at the fire as I watch Evie build. "Do you need help?"

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