Chapter 1

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"The Red Widows are a group of widowed or single women that sail the seas handing justice to other women that have been wronged by men or are in undesired relationships. We believe in the safety of our kind and we'll stop at nothing to get retribution. Join the Red Widows and sail with one of the most feared pirate captains in the known world, Captain Crimson Red, The Nemesis of the Seas."

"Wow, sounds inspiring!"

Sitting in a dark corner of a bar sat a woman with bright red hair and a faded purple dress having a conversation with a woman with light brown curls and a small fitted but extravagant yellow dress. Nailed on a wooden post in front of them hung a sign with the words "Red Widows Needed." painted in red paint. The woman giving the recruitment speech had the vibe that she was fed up either with the woman in front of her or just the whole situation.

"Yes, very inspiring. Now are you interested in joining the crew?"

The women in the yellow dress thought before answering. "So, I've come to the thought that you can't be married to join?"

"Yes," said the red head, obviously annoyed. "That's what widowed or single means."

"Oh..." drawed out the other "Well I'm engaged."

The red head slammed her head against the table and kept it there until the other woman waltzed out leaving her in the dark. Once she left, another woman with long curly black hair, tan skin, and a nasty scar adorning her nearly dead left eye, poked her head out from behind the post. From the look of her eyes and the way she had trouble standing upright gave the clue that she was obviously drunk.

"Sooo any luck?"

The red head shot her head up from the table, "No Captain, I just spent an hour explaining to this woman that we need new recruits because two of our women got married... to each other, but by the time I got to the end of my speech, she decided to spring up the fact that she was engaged. I'm sorry Captain." The woman lowered her head making curls fall into her face.

This made her drunk mannerisms leave momentarily because the small action of her curls reminded her of herself when she was running from her biological parents... 15 years ago.

"No worries Michelle, no worries. We still have another week until The Widow's Nest is repaired, we'll have plenty of time."

This seemed to calm Michelle down and she lifted her head up just in time for another woman to enter the corner. However, before she could step further, Crimson stopped her.

"Your name?" Crimson asked

"Uh Florence,"

"Pretty name,-"

"Thank y-"

Florence was cut off

"And any relationships?"

"No, I wouldn't be entering if I was in one."

"Good good." Crimson lifted her arm up allowing her to enter. "There you go Michelle, saves you a few minutes. Now I'm going back to the bar. If you don't hear from me, I'm either dead or I boarded a ship."

Michelle nodded her head as if boarding random ships was a normal thing for Crimson.

"So you're temporarily Captain either way! Good luck!"

Crimson continued to wave her hand as she walked the opposite way she came from until she disappeared behind the post. A few seconds went by while Michelle, seemingly confused, looked towards the way she walked. Just as she got up to yell for her, Crimson walked past the opening while mumbling "wrong way" before disappearing once again.

The Nemesis of the Seas (PotC: The Curse of the Black Pearl) Where stories live. Discover now