Chapter 2

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A drunk Jack, and Crimson made their way down the muddied cobblestone road of Tortuga moving aside passed out drunk people who lay sprawled out alongside it. Gibbs followed beside Will who had his sword at the ready anytime he heard a suspicious noise.

"So, what's with her?" whispered Will in the hopes that Crimson wouldn't notice. Luckily for him Jack and Crimson's singing overpowered any other voice nearby.

"WHAT?" asked Gibbs, "What you say? Kid!"

"Shhh," Will stopped Gibbs so that they'd fall a bit behind. "What's with her? How'd she get that scar?"

"Oh Captain Crimson? Well I'm sure you've heard of her stories out on the seas."

"Yes, but why is she here?"

"This is her home." answered Gibbs. "She's been living here since she was 12 years old, that is when she's not on the high seas."

"That scar, though!"

Gibbs laughed, everyone always seemed so intrigued by her very noticeable and very gruesome scar, that he wasn't surprised when someone asked about it. "Ah the scar. It's a story she usually likes to tell in the hopes of excluding that pivotal moment."

Will nodded. "If it's embarrassing to her then to tell it to me would be... disrespectful."

"No, no boy, it certainly is not embarrassing. I believe it's just one thing about her that doesn't have an amazing adventurous tale behind it." said Gibbs shaking his head with a smile plastered on his lips. "You see every pirate has something about them that makes them memorable and that's just what that scar is, so to know that she didn't get her eye slashed while challenging Davy Jones may seem... uninteresting to most."

Will nodded once more. Someone, like himself, would immediately imagine ginormous battles and victorious wins just from the looks of her eye. He understood that several battles have been won in her name, but he also knew that not all scars have a glamorous backstory.

"Well," began Gibbs. "Before Crimson was the infamous woman Captain of the Red Widows, she was merely a 16 year old crew member, captained by her adoptive mother, Adaline Chevalle. Aboard the Wave Cutter... or whatever the French name for that ship meant, she witnessed many battles, including a battle you may know about just off the coast of Andros..." Gibbs smiled at Will as he remembered.

"The Quickest Battle in Royal Navy History!?" asked Will, he obviously had heard. No English person of the time didn't know the story of how one of the Navy's ships, that was leaving for England, had a run-in with the Le Coupe-Vagues, a pirate ship mostly crewed by women. The battle was known as a great victory for the Navy stationed in the Caribbean because of the fact that it only took 15 minutes for the pirates to flee. This victory raised many men up in ranks and Will would always hear its stories... sometimes it would be changed or altered but there was always one thing that stayed the same... the agonizing screams of a girl, just above the age of 13 so they would say.

"Yes," said Gibbs. "The Quickest Battle in Piracy History as well. Only 15 minutes, they say... no it was 10 including the extra 5 minutes of straight silence from both ends as "The Screaming Girl" was dragged into a lifeboat followed by the rest of Adaline's crew until the Royal Navy had no choice but to leave."

"It was Crimson?" asked Will, lowering his voice into a whisper even if Jack and Crimson were far enough in front.

Gibbs nodded. "Crimson fought hard. Her first battle against any Royal Navy men and she proved her skill that very day. That was until she was hit. Just in the midst of turning around a dark-haired boy, around her age, fell right in front of her. With sword in hand he sliced her eye and left side of her face straight open."

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