Chapter 4

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The sun was just beginning to peak over the skyline as The Interceptor finally found a safe place to make port on the island. The island was like nothing they've ever seen before. Obsidian colored rocks jutted out in all directions creating large natural structures that gave the island an eerie and haunted feel. No one felt as if they should speak as Jack ordered the lowering of the anchor while a smile gleamed on his face. The night before left a steady fog hovering in the skies making the ability to see 100 feet into the distance nearly impossible.

Crimson slowly walked to the edge watching as the water slowly stopped hitting the side of the boat as it made port in a small lagoon surrounded by the same pointed rocks. Jack may have wanted a place hidden. thought Crimson as she began to lean into the side with exhaustion. She felt her eyes begin to get heavy and close but snapped them open as she heard a voice from behind her causing her to pull out her pistol out of reflex and point it straight at a fearful Wills forehead. "Oh my lord, you could've killed me!" she quickly put the gun away before slapping her hand to her heart.

"I'm sure it was going to be the other way around." Will said nervously, chuckling a bit.

Crimson started to laugh. "Yes it may have. Well aren't you glad we're here!" she asked while spreading her arms out in a showing off manner.

"Yeah I'm glad Jack was right but... I guess I'm just worried for... for her." Will said, leaning his head down.

Crimson lifted his head up before speaking. "At least we're one step closer." She then laid a hand on his shoulder. "So... tell me about this girl!" The excitement in her voice picked up with each word.

A smile slowly made its way onto Will's face before he began. "Her name's Elizabeth." Blush overtook his cheeks when he said her name, making Crimson grin. She loved hearing about people loving each other, happily.

"We've known each other ever since we were young, she's always been kind to me, supporting everything I do. She was so happy when I told her I got an apprenticeship at the Blacksmith shop." Will pulled his sword halfway out of the holster. "See I made this!"

Crimson watched as he moved the sword back and forth letting the lighting hit off of it from different angles. She was genuinely impressed by his work. "You're very talented, Will!"

"Thank you! I even got asked to make one for the Commodore of the Royal Navy!" The smile on Will's face faltered. "The only bad thing about Elizabeth is that she happens to be the Governor of Port Royal's daughter."

Crimson looked at him with confusion written all over her face. "And why is that bad?"

"That means she's of high status... she can't fall in love with me." Will lowered his face. "She's set to be engaged to the very same Commodore I mentioned before."

Crimson frowned. This Elizabeth girl may fall victim to the very same thing Crimsons mother and father went through, an unhappy marriage.

"And he's perfect for her." said Will quietly trying to hold back emotion.

This made Crimson lower her head along with him but a voice behind them made the both of them turn around.

Michelle stood there emotionless and annoyed.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Crimson walking away from Will, joining her first maiden.

"I've been trying my HARDEST to get these men to wear SOMETHING to prevent me from gagging from the smell of rotting onions and sweat and guess what they do in return!?"

"What?" asked Crimson like she was asking to know the biggest secret in the world.

"They take a swig of rum! slap me on the arse!! and tell me to go. on. with. my. day!!!" answered Michelle, yelling through gritted teeth. "Why did you have to pull me along with you? AGAIN!??"

"Because..." drawed out Crimson trying her best to cheer up her friend. "I just thought this ship needed us two women on board to keep it in shape."

Michelle rolled her eyes. "But why couldn't you have shoved some mint leaves into that chest of yours? I'm starting to smell like them aren't I??" She lifted her arm to Crimson.

"You know I'm immune to that smell right?" laughed Crimson.

"Fellow Captain! Ms... lady!" yelled Jack from the steering wheel.

"It's Blanchet." corrected Michelle, exasperated "It's Michelle Blanchet." she finished quietly as she walked away.

Crimson looked after her as she walked on but then turned to look back up at Jack who didn't seem to really care that she left. "I think it's time to exit the ship! But first come up here!"

She walked up the steps and stood beside Jack as he pointed into the distance. It was then when she spotted it. Just over the climax of the nearest peak of the island stood The Black Pearl. They could only see the tattered top sails of the ship, but that was all that needed to be seen to know that they were in the presence of one of the most infamous ships in all the Caribbean.

"I believe," started Jack, still in awe of the sight of his gorgeous ship. "We need to be a bit closer."


The Interceptor glided across the water towards where Jack and Crimson spotted The Black Pearl. As soon as the ship turned the last corner was when the rest of the crew spotted it. There it was floating in the dark blue waters while also stretching its tall solid black sails high into the sky. Many gasps and conversations started to be heard as they all spotted it, some of them for the first time.

"Barbossa'a really done her in good aye?" stated Jack sadly obviously looking at the tears throughout all the sails.

"Seems like it."

Crimson never was able to see The Black Pearl because she only met Jack after he'd been kicked out of the crew and deserted on an island before making a brilliant escape by strapping sea turtles to his feet... or that's what he told her. From the stories that he told, she'd always dreamed of seeing the ship for herself even after it made a terrifying name for itself under the evil Captain Barbossa, but seeing it now crushed those dreams as she noticed broken bits of the ship come into sight as they slowly neared it.

Once their ship was docked beside it Jack immediately had a group of their crew board The Black Pearl to investigate it for any signs of people on board. After a few minutes the crew members boarded The Interceptor with the state of the ship.

"No one as we know is on board Captains, we all assume they may have entered that cave over there."  The man pointed past the Pearl into the direction of a large cave entrance that was only reachable by paddle boat.

Crimson looked around and spotted the corner that they just turned around to reach the lagoon they were in at the moment. "I think it best if we make port over there." she stated, pointing out where she was talking about. Everyone looked up at her as if she didn't have the authority to give orders. "Blast it! I'm Captain as well! Mr Cotton! take us behind that corner." She then looked at Jack. "Just in case anyone is on board the Pearl!"

"She's correct!" yelled Jack. "Mr. Cotton! To your station, good man!"

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