Chapter 5

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Dead man tell no tales

"It puts a chill in your bones how many honest sailors have been claimed by this passage."

Gibbs, Crimson, Will, and Michelle stood at the edge of the ship as the crew lowered the barnacle-covered anchor and made the fresh rowboat ready to depart toward the dark gloomy cave of Isla de Muerta. They watched as hammerhead sharks breached at the surface creating white foam that circled around many parts of sunken ships floating around in the now clear waters.

Crimson nodded, "You got that right, eerie."

Jack walked down from his place beside the current helmsman, Mr. Cotton, and made his way to where they were all standing. He then wrapped his arms around Will and Crimson and patted their shoulders making Will look at him in a "don't touch me" manner and Crimson to take his rough hand and peel it off her shoulder.

"Come with me." said Jack leaning close to Crimson's ear before following him while looking back at Will shrugging her shoulders. Once the two of them were out of earshot he began to talk. "Would you do the honor of joining Will and I. I'm giving the title of temporary Captain to Anamaria."

"In the hopes of making her like you? I don't think that's ever gonna be an option..."

Jack still looked at her, longing for an answer so she shook the large amused smile off her face and answered. "Yes I'll join the two of you. When will we set off?"

"Soon. I just want to let you know that there are many men in that cave there. Men who haven't touched or seen a beautiful woman in years-"

He was cut off before he could get to his point. "I've been pirating just as long as you have Jack, don't mistake me as a vulnerable little girl who doesn't understand the evil temptations of men. Besides, there's apparently a woman in there probably more beautiful than I that we need to be worrying about at the moment."

"Well then," said Jack as a small smile formed on his mustache-covered lips. "Glad to know that you'll be ok if anything may happen... which it won't because I'm-"

"Captain Jack Sparrow." finished Crimson as if she'd done this before. "Yes, I'll have to agree with the fact that that is your name."

"Then let's go save this damsel, and get my ship back!"

The two of them walked towards Gibbs and Will as they were in the middle of a one sided conversation. Gibbs seemed to be telling Will a story with excitement filling his voice with each detail so Crimson and Jack just stood there listening until they decided to finish.

"-On the fourth morning, he roped himself a couple of sea turtles, lashed them together and made a raft."

Will stared at Gibbs emotionless expecting him to finish with something that made more sense but when Gibbs didn't say anything else he finally talked. "He roped a couple of sea turtles?"

"Aye! Sea turtles." answered Gibbs as if Jack's action were godly.

Will's eyes wandered, confused. "What did he use for rope?"

Crimson gagged jokingly and looked at Jack because she herself asked the same question when he told her the story.

Silence went by until Jack decided to answer Will's question. "Human hair, from my back."

"I don't believe that story will ever get old!" stated Crimson while nodding her head.

Gibbs nodded as well, staring at Will who was obviously questioning everything at the moment.

"Young Mr. Turner and I along with Captain Crimson are to go ashore." calmly stated Jack breaking everyone's thoughts before turning to follow Crimson towards the rowboat that would give them passage to the cave and as far as the river inside would take them.

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