Chapter 11

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*Author~ I really hope everyone has enjoyed themselves reading my slightly changed version of this story!! Thank you so much!! :)) Now on to Dead Man's Chest!! (my favorite)*


It was gorgeous.
The sun was shining beautifully on the white marble palace that housed the Governor of Port Royal, his many maids and servants, as well as his only daughter; Elizabeth...

"My future wife."

James Norrington stood at the foot of the palace's doorstep awaiting the presence of Governor Swann and Elizabeth who were to accompany him to the well publicized event that was to be Captain Jack Sparrow's execution. He had heard that Elizabeth had awoken early to see off Ms. Red, who had stayed for the night but was ordered to leave early this morning, but he hadn't heard any news surrounding her departure. However worried he may have been, he just assumed that all went well since he should've been informed if something went wrong... right? Because Elizabeth had been up, he couldn't understand why they were so late. Maybe it was because of her clothes or maybe Governor Swann slept in. Whatever it was, the gallows had already been hung and Jack was already housed in the temporary holding cell within the fort. James could feel the beats of the distant drums beneath his feet which signaled that people were starting to be allowed in the designated execution area.

"Was this all a good idea."

No matter the glory of finally capturing one of the most wanted pirates in the Caribbean he couldn't help but wonder if this was sane. He saved the woman he loves several times as well as aided in the Battle of Isla de Muerta... Jack did everything that gave him the power to set both Mr. Turner and Ms. Red free. This all felt so very wrong...

"But it has to be done..."

Just then he heard the hinges of the great door behind him creak open giving light to Governor Swann and Elizabeth in the doorway.

"Ah! Good Morning Commodore Norrington." said Swann just as his eyes finally became accustomed to the brightness.

"Good Morning Governor."

However hard he tried to keep his eyes on Swann he couldn't help but to stare at Elizabeth. She looked gorgeous. Her yellow dress swished across the cobblestone pavement in the wind and the flower atop her hat matched her blue eyes perfectly. She was flawless except for the fact that he could tell that she didn't feel flawless. He watched as she moved her eyes back and forth trying her hardest not to meet his.

"How has your morning been M- Elizabeth."

This time she finally met his eyes. "Ok." With that she pushed past her father and made her way to the carriage.

James looked down at his newly polished shoes. She was miserable and he knew it... from the very beginning. He hated himself for putting her in this situation and he hated that he couldn't let her go. He needed a distraction from his thoughts but he knew this execution wasn't going to pleasure that need.

"I do believe that they're starting without us. We must be on our way." stated Governor Swann, who too felt the beat of the drums. "Well Commodore, aren't you coming? This is your doing after all. All of Port Royal will reward you for it."

James sighed. "Yes I believe we must go."

With that they both climbed into the carriage alongside Elizabeth who sat still and silent awaiting what was to come...


"You're leaving the next morning, correct?"

"Yes. That's just the problem."

The Nemesis of the Seas (PotC: The Curse of the Black Pearl) Where stories live. Discover now