Chapter 6

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*Author*~ Hey guys! This is the longest chapter as well as my favorite :) I hope you all enjoy!!


Clear waves splashed as the Interceptor split them through the middle from the fast moving bow. However rough the crashing waves were, the ship stayed tall, magnificent, and calm, zooming through the water with full speed. Calm it was but the crew aboard?... Now that was another story.

"Clean sweep the deck men! Make it spotless, you ingrates!"

Crimsons orders were heard loud and clear over powering the ruckus of the sea as men scrubbed the deck with precision. Even if the bristles of the brushes cut their fingers or cut scratches in the deck they didn't slow their work in the hopes of not angering the already fuming Crimson.

It hadn't been over an hour since their ship departed from the dangerous waters of Isla de Muerta, and the Interceptor had already taken them over 15 miles away with 19 knots rocketing the ship from any confrontation with the Black Pearl... so they hoped. Crimson had them all working to prepare for what she saw as the inevitable. She knew the infamous speed of the equally infamous Black Pearl. Who didn't? In her eyes, anyone that believed that this small measly Navy ship could out run that cursed black ship was asking for a cannon ball to the gut.


Without hesitation, Gibbs turned into the direction of his irritable Captain as she stood within the chaos of the busy ship staring straight at him with a face of annoyance. Gibbs anxiously walked in her direction while also silently motioning for slacking off crew members to get back to their tasks.

"Yes, Captain?"

He made sure to stand within 3 feet of her praying to God that he wouldn't get a painful twin to that scar on his large arm... there'd definitely be room.

Crimson's good unscarred eye enlarged in fear just seconds after she turned her back to have a private conversation with the first mate but this was all shut down after noticing the skeleton-like silhouette of a black ship with torn black sails breaking through the thick fog in the distance. Just by observing it you could tell how much speed it was gaining. Crimson's skinny hand found its way to her ajared mouth. Gibbs, who still faced the crew to hopefully persuade everyone else to stay on task, took a while to notice the seconds of abnormal silence between the two of them.

"Captain? Is anything not to your liking? Who must I maintain?"

Crimson stood there in shock. She knew this would happen, but what could they do? The fastest the Interceptor could travel was 19 knots and anyone who knew the legend of The Black Pearl knew that it could travel up to 30 knots with barely any work at all. The hand of Gibbs grabbing her shoulder was the thing that broke her from her shocked state.

"The Black Pearl!" Gibbs yelled finally coming to terms himself that it had gained in on them within 25 minutes and didn't seem to give any reason as to slow down. "She's gaining on us!!!"

Every crew member popped up from their stations yelling in conversation with confusion draped over every word.


"We've just left!!"

"It can't be true!"

Crimson stepped to the front of the quarterdeck to make herself seen to every eye on board just as Will and Elizabeth crawled out from below deck in the midst of the sudden silence within the crew.

"She is here! Just kilometers away! I expect each and everyone of you to fight for your lives... because that indeed is what you're fighting for! NOW MEN! TO YOUR STATIONS!... DO IT FOR JACK!" Crimson stepped down from the deck to come face to face with Anamaria patiently waiting for her order. "Anamaria, to the helm!"

The Nemesis of the Seas (PotC: The Curse of the Black Pearl) Where stories live. Discover now