Chapter 9

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The dinghy lowered into the black abyss of the choppy waters below. Alongside Crimson was Commodore Norrington with a surprisingly energetic Jack seated behind him. Crimson was sort of amazed by the size of the dinghy since it also fit around 10 other soldiers adorned in their bright red uniforms. Unfortunately for her, however, Murtogg and Mullroy were also on board and sitting just behind her, Jack, and Norrington. Their constant nagging resulted in her and Jack being placed in shackles again but Norrington, still thinking about Crimson's harsh treatment, agreed to not tighten them to the point of uncomfortableness. Crimson took notice of the Commodore's kindness and thanked him for it but she found it infuriating that he let the words of lower class men persuade him into doing something he quite obviously didn't want to do.

"I don't entirely understand why the two of you," Crimson started as she turned to face Murtogg and Mullroy, "feel it necessary for Jack and I to be bound. You do notice that we are missing our weapons."

"Haha," Laughed Mullroy, even though it couldn't be heard over the distant sound of waves crashing against rocks. "You think we're stupid huh? You really think we're going to allow you, Crimson Red, to go hands free while we're confined to a small dinghy? Oh no, we enjoy our heads."

"And do the two of you really believe that I, as your Commodore, will allow her aboard if I thought her to be a danger?" Spoke out Norrington, causing them to shut up and turn back to their oars. "And don't think you two will be allowing anything."

Crimson turned back towards the jagged rocks of Isla de Muerta, certain that Norrington had shut them up for good. It was nice, for a change, to see someone else with such authority and she respected that. She smiled before Jack spoke up.

"It does seem, to me, that we are heading in the right direction but if we uhhh don't swerve about..." Jack held his finger in the air as if waiting for a swift change in wind. "NOW"

"SWERVE, QUICKLY NOW!" yelled out Norrington just as a solid black rock that seemed to resemble a blade rather than a rock could be seen, barely poking over the surface.

The dinghy took a sharp turn right before settling itself straight. The crew looked a bit shaken and Crimson chuckled at how scared they had gotten especially since she had dealt with worse, much worse. As she finished taking in their paranoid faces as they edged closer to the entrance to the cave, she realized how confident Norrington was, leaning ahead with his head held high. Whether or not he was saving the man his fiancé loved, he sure did know and respect his job. Despite all this Crimson could sense fear... not fear in the sense of dying but nervousness for his crew, and most of all, Elizabeth.

Norrington snatched his telescope from his side belt and eyed suspiciously towards the gloomy Black Pearl. "I don't care for this situation." admitted Norrington as he slowly lowered his hands. "Any attempt to storm the caves could turn into an ambush."

"You do know that that is what we do. Ambush, plunder, maybe save a life or two who knows. We can take it and I'm sure you and your men could take Will and get out without it turning into such a huge standoff. I have witnessed the Royal Navy fight. You do know that." Crimson said trying her best to persuade Norrington to keep going even though she was sure it may lead to something bad. All she cared about was rescuing Will and she wasn't going to allow cold feet to interfere with that.

"I have a suggestion." spoke up Jack. "Nothing could go as wrong as you believe if you are the one doing the ambushing."

"What?" asked Crimson.

"Stick with me here. I go in, I convince Barbossa to send his men out with their little boats, you and your mates return to the Dauntless and blast the bejesus out of them with your little cannons aye?"

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