Chapter 3

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"It hasn't been a day and we've sailed into a storm."

Rain pelted against the wooden exterior of the Interceptor as it cut through the large waves of the sea. Water constantly crashed upon the deck, flinging people from their stations and smashing them against the hard wood. Crew members may have been thrown off for all they knew but all they could do was wait it out in the hopes that the boat wouldn't rock so much it flipped. Standing among the commotion was Crimson sternly giving orders to the fearful men and Jack standing at the wheel in silence, looking at his compass every once in a while. They both seemed as if the storm still brewing above them was nonexistent. That was until a ginormous wave smacked straight into Will and Gibbs sending them flying into Crimson causing all three of them to fall onto the ground even more soaked than before.

"WATCH IT." yelled Crimson.

Will was taken aback by the sudden outburst. "I'm sorry how was I supposed t-" Will was quickly silenced by Gibbs who gave Crimson a rag from his pocket before realizing it too was sobbing wet, earning a look from Crimson even dirtier than Gibbs beard.

He then led Will to two mast ropes and started to pull before talking. "Do you not realize the time boy? You should've just ended it at I'm sorry."

"I have no control of the weather, and according to you women bring bad luck. Aren't you angry at her?" said Will, a little too loud for Gibbs liking.

"Angry or not I should know better as a man to not talk like that to her within the hour of 12." whispered Gibbs quietly. "Are you itchin to get us all killed? Before you rescue that girl we're doing all this for?"

Will furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief. "Within the hour of 12?? What are you talking about? How is she going to kill us?"

Gibbs smacked his forehead letting go of the rope for a split second before frantically grabbing at it. "All us pirates have a thing."

"A thing?"

"Something that differentiates each of us from the other. I don't remember much from our night in Tortuga but I do remember telling you that she was 12 years old when she made Tortuga her home." said Gibbs between breaths of exhaustion.

Will nodded his head tiredly, "Yes, I recall that being said."

"Well everyday within the hours of 12 she wrecks mayhem upon men who have either wronged her or wronged women and when she doesn't have anyone to take her inner anger out on... that anger will build up within her and she'll snap at anything or anyone who dares try to make themselves look big or bad in the intentions of putting her in a dim light." Explained Gibbs as Will nodded along. "See this scar?" Gibbs pulled his sleeve up revealing a grisly scar of a gash on his forearm. "Courtesy of hers truly. She even tattooed her name above." Gibbs smiled as if he got an autograph from his hero before pulling his sleeve up further showing the word Crimson roughly tattooed in black ink.

Will chuckled a bit and nodded his head. "Lesson learned."

The rain started to pick up along with the wind making them start to sway back and forth again. Wills voice once more morphed until a yell so he'd be heard over the downpour of rain. "How can we sail to an island that nobody can find with a compass that doesn't even work!?" The both of them looked at Jack still slightly swaying while holding onto the wheel in one hand and his broken compass in the other.

"The compass doesn't point north." Gibbs answered, matching Will's gusto in his voice. "But we're not tryin to find north are we?!"

Jack eyed his compass in frustration as the sea spit water in his face, making him turn the wheel hard many times while watching Gibbs struggle to make his way up towards him.

"Should I drop canvas, sir!" said Gibbs in a questioning like manner.

"She can hold a bit longer!"

Crimson then joined the men making the two of them look at her concerned but their suspicions were put to rest when she flashed the both of them a quick smile before talking. "Are you entirely sure of that?! I'm pretty sure I just saw Mr. Mayweather fly off the side of the ship!"

"We should have no worries!" reassured Jack, still turning the wheel effortlessly.

Crimson then looked to Gibbs. "What's put you in such a fine mood, Captain?" asked Gibbs.

A smile spread on Jack's face showing his many silver and gold teeth bling as they shined in the moonlight. "We're catching up."

"To what exactly?" Asked Crimson due to the fact that she was never told where they were heading.

"LAND HO!" yelled the crewman in the crows nest causing everyone still on board to turn towards the sight of an island made of black rocks and jagged edges come into view on the horizon just as the rain started to die down. Will joined them around the steering wheel as the crew made the ship ready to make port. Will smiled.

"Isla de Muerta." answered Jack as he too smiled.

"One step closer." mumbled Will

"And I bet you didn't believe in me," said Jack.

"And you're correct about that." laughed Crimson smiling at Will, "You thought I didn't hear you?"

Will rolled his eyes and laughed making the rest chuckle along with him.

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