The Voices Ain't Just In Your Head

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Chapter 5 

        Half an hour later, Dean Winchester, much to his hatred, was not sitting behind the wheel of his beloved Chevy '67 Impala. His brother, Sam, sat in the driver's seat next to him, where Dean desperately wanted to be sitting right now, as Sam drove to the motel he'd found after driving around the town -twice- for fifteen minutes.

"I'm telling you, man," the elder Winchester insisted from the passenger seat that Sam had had to physically threaten him into. "Something's not right."

Sam shot him an incredulous look. "Really? Other than the fact that you think there's another species of monster out there, that no one has ever heard of? Or are you just whiny about missing out on getting another DUI?"

"Shut up," Dean scowled. "But seriously. It was weird."

"Weirder that usual?" asked Sam.

"These weren't typical demons, Sam."

"Okay. I'm not saying I don't believe you," Sam said, pulling up into the motel. They got out of the car and, grabbing their respective duffel bag from the back of the Impala, walked into the room that Sam had booked while Dean had been drinking with a vampire who was being hunted by one -possibly two- demons. As he went through the fridge, Dean noticed a hex bag wedged in the sink, another one by the bed, and a final one near the door. "Sam," he began. "Where'd you get those?"

"Ah..." Sam paused, then sighed. "Ruby, actually," the younger Winchester admitted. "She taught me how to make them."

"Oh," Dean muttered darkly as he took a slug of beer.


"Feeling any ... er ... the demon blood?" Dean asked helplessly, recognizing he was out of his league when it came to Sam's "powers."

"It's weird, to tell you the truth, I'm fine," Sam said oddly. "No shakes, no fever, I guess whoever put me on that plane cleaned me right up."

"Supernatural methadone," Dean mused, thinking instantly.

Sam began, "Yeah, I guess. Look, Dean-"

"Sam." Dean snapped. "It's okay, not gonna say anything. We're not gonna talk about this now. We're going to do our job! Look, we'll just do this job, because we started it before-" he broke off, then started again. "So we're gonna finish this job, and we're gonna hunt down the devil, and we're gonna treat it like an ordinary hunt."

Sam looked away, back to his laptop. "So ... Tell me what happened? You were saying demons?"

"Nah, something different, and I have no idea what to make of it. It could be completely random or it could have something to do with this case, or something that is- I dunno, like, a third party, or something." Dean sat down and took out Ruby's knife, cleaning it as he explained what had happened earlier.

After he was finished, Sam took out the laptop again. "I mean, you said they had red eyes and dropped when you stabbed with Ruby's knife? Then they could be crossroad demons, but why would they be hunting down a vampire? Maybe the vamp sold his soul, but didn't want to die for it, so got turned and is on the run?" Sam offered.

Dean shook his head. "Hellhounds." 

"Maybe he escaped?"

Dean shot him a dry look, and Sam nodded. "Right. Well, maybe it was a mistake."

"People don't make mistakes like that, Sam," Dean snapped. "You don't accidentally do something that freaking huge!"

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