Chapter Three

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That night, Richard found himself writing to his friend, Alexander Grey. He wanted to know what his whereabouts were and if things were going alright with him. When he started writing, he didn't know what he was going to write first. There was so much on his mind in that moment, perhaps he could have started off by letting Alexander know that he is safe and at home, and he wanted to know where Alex was at the same time, but he wanted to be discreet about it, and not have him scared. 

He wanted to just start simple. About as simple as can be.

To make things easier for himself.

And for Alexander.

Because he didn't know how Alexander would feel about him writing to him. Perhaps it would have felt unusual to him, or for Alexander as well. He didn't know what his friend, and bunkmate would feel.

But he couldn't get anything out except for "Dear Alexander" but he didn't know why, it was like talking to his friend again, but only this time they were worlds apart from each other. He just couldn't understand why writing to one of his closest friends would be so difficult for him. He had to think about it as talking to Alexander in person because writing to him while he was far away wasn't any different.

Dear Alexander

He started to write, and there was nothing. Nothing was coming out of his mind for him to write. It was too difficult for him, he found himself pacing back and forth and turning around constantly hoping that Marjorie would not come in as he was writing. He didn't know why he was getting scared. 

Dear Alexander

He continued to think about what was next.

Dear Alexander

Those were the only words that were in his mind. He watched as Marjorie opened their bedroom door. He looked at her and noticed her silk robe and watched as Marjorie was brushing her hair. Marjorie then noticed Richard's frustration, she turned over and he folded the piece of paper and placed it in the drawer of his desk. 

"What's that?" Marjorie asked

"Oh..." Richard said pacing around, "It's nothing." 

"You trying to write to your friends?" Marjorie asked, "Your comrades?" 

"Something like that," Richard admitted looking over at the drawer, wondering if Marjorie had seen it, but Marjorie was always curious about the friends he had made in the military. She knew all about Alexander as well from what he had written about her. 

"I'm sure they are all waiting for you to come back, and they're all fine on their own..." Marjorie said walking over to him, wrapping her arms around him, and kissing his cheek. Richard smiled and looked over at the drawer, just wanting to open it and continue writing. Marjorie then walked over to the radio and turned it on, hoping to hear more news on the war. And all that was talked about was June 7, 1944, in Normandy. Hearing about the landings in Normandy and the Germans trying to take control of the allied armies. It was nothing that Richard hadn't heard before. He looked over at Marjorie and asked her to turn off the radio. Marjorie kindly agreed and shut off the radio. Richard turned around and started to think, but he slowly found himself growing to be more and more tired by each second. Marjorie could tell that something wasn't right, she knew that war wasn't easy on a man. And she wanted to do anything that she could to help, and she felt almost as if there was nothing that she could have done.

Imperial Love: We'll Meet Again: Richard and Alexander's story Book 6Where stories live. Discover now