Prologue- It was raining.

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February 2nd, 1968

"11 red cookie crumbs sit upon the shelf, 11 red cookie crumbs--I'll brush them off, polish it off--10 red cookie crumbs sit upon the shelf," the eight year old Avaya Lupin sang grinning as she licked up the left over crumbs from the red chocolate chip cookies she and Mrs. Lupin had baked. Avaya loves to bake things red--from cookies to potatoes to chips to even cauliflower. Her long dark brown hair was braided on each side and weaved in the strands were brilliantly colored ribbons. Her pale green eyes fluttered around the kitchen where she greedily ate up her share of the cookies, licking her lips, wiping her hands on her knee length white dress, red leggings, and navy blue sailors jacket, ratty brown boots warming her toes from the cool weather outside. Winter was closing and Summer soon to come, though living in England it's always quite cold, Avaya reflected. "Ava?" A quiet voice called and Avaya jumped, spinning around with a brilliant grin on her purple painted lips. "Remy! I was worried!" She gasped, pulling her older twin brother into a tight binding hug. Remus Lupin returned it gingerly, still not quite believing he deserved his younger sisters affection. Four scars sat on the left side of his face proving how much of a monster he was, though he knew more would follow. His brown eyes, once full of confidence, now shone with knowledge and humbleness. His hair, unlike Avaya's, was lighter, though still brown. "I'm alright--it wasn't so bad this time," Remus lied through his teeth, and by the way her lips thinned and then pursed Remus could see Avaya knew it. She's always had a knack for telling when I'm lying, Remus thought hiding his smile. Avaya was furious--not at her brother, but whoever turned him into what he was--forced him to change into a beast every full moon. Every year Mr. Lupin drives Remus up to a forest area far away, and then leaves only to pick him up battered and bruised the next day. The thought made Avaya sick to her stomach. "It's not right Remy--what you go through," Avaya huffed pushing away abruptly from Remus so she could pace, ribbons swaying and lightly falling across her chest. Remus reguarded her a tad sadly, though he understood how she felt. She could never know how he felt--but he could see she'd trade anything to help him, and that both terrified him, and warmed his heart. "When I find Greyback I'll...I'll..." She waved her hands for affect, buzzing like an angry bee, and Remus chuckled softly, stopping her by her shoulders. "It's ok Ava--I'm ok," she opened her mouth to argue, her eyes turning from angry kitten to sad and soft. Her fingers breathed across Remus's scars horrified. "You have two more," she whispered, lips trembling, and Remus winced. He hated seeing how much it seemed to hurt Avaya when he was injured. Suddenly her face hardened and she straightened up. "I'm getting some fresh air--I need to think." She whispered stomping out the front door. Knowing it was best to leave her be, Remus sat down by the bench, and took a bite from a lone red cookie sitting on the bench. Meanwhile Avaya ran into the harsh wind outside, braids flying around wildly, though she pushed on. In her mind if she runs fast enough, pushes hard enough, she'll find an answer to help Remus. To save him from the pain. Most of all, Avaya wants to feel his pain. She wants to understand, but more so she wants to punish herself. She blaims it on herself--they went looking for HER favorite red ribbon. She ran off into the forest. Remus was bitten protecting her. I wish to feel what he does, I wish to take away his pain, Ayaya thought strongly, wiping tears from her eyes as she bolted across the street, and into an old playground which stood rusted over with age. Slowing down she kneeled by the swingset, hiding her face in her hands. That's when she felt it. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and her body felt cold--motionless. Looking up Avaya found herself sitting by the swingset in a different time. Whispers surrounded her and silhouette of playing children, echoes of laughter, danced through her mind. Rain lightly fell through the park, though not a drop hit Avaya, Much to her surprise. Pulling herself to her feet she looked around, horror hitting her when a man at the end of the park suddenly grabbed a knife, holding it against a young boys neck. Joseph, she thought, not stopping to think how she knew his name. "Joesph! Leave him alone!" She shouted, though it felt like neither could see her. People ran and screamed while Avaya watched horrified as the knife nicked the young boys skin, drawing a dark line of blood against his throat. She let out a horrific shriek, running at the man. Before she could touch him he slit the boys throat. Avaya yelled for help seeing him fall. Kneeling she reached for him, jumping back in shock when her fingers fell right through. Then he was gone. The children played...the man...the blood...over and over the images replayed in a horrible terrible loop--so frightening it was that Avaya curled up in a ball, small hands covering her ears as she shook, trying to ignore the screams and the laughter of the children. Mr. Lupin found his daughter passed out and tear-stricken an hour later, clutching to the poll of the swing set as she shivered in the cold misty afternoon air.

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