Chapter Five- The Wheels on the train go...

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September 1st, 1975

The rest of the day with James was a lot of fun. We went to gambol and japes and he and Remus told me about all kinds of pranks they've pulled over the years. James also decided to laugh his head of and trip over my dog after hearing my four year prank on Sirius and that his part in it was crucial for his children's creation. I don't think Dog Star likes him all too much. Curling up in bed I cuddled up to the warmth of my dog who was lying by my stomach a serene smile on my lips as I tried to keep my eyes closed for a bit longer. James ended up coming back to our place for a while, first time Remus has had friends over, and we talked for hours. James and I tried to soak Remus with a bucket of water, but he turned around quickly and we freaked out soaking ourselves instead. It was so funny! Either way James and I clicked right away. To be honest I was worried we wouldn't--that outside of our letters it would be awkward and silent--but it wasn't. It was fun and we talked for hours. I can't wait to meet Sirius! James says I'll like him, and Remus says Sirius is like James, so that means we should click the same way as James and I. Streatching slightly I yawned lowly, eyes tightly shut keeping out the light from the window above my desk. I really should board that thing up. Dog Star grumbled against my chest, though all he did was shift closer. It's been a few days and James and I have owled A LOT. Sirius and I less so, but still quite a lot. Sirius and I have a lot in common from our mutual love of ACDC to both wanting to own a motorcycle to a love of Marvel magazines. That and pranking--it's funny to see the look on someone's face when they look in the mirror to see they have a mustache--freaked Mama out some. Heh. Either way I'm glad I'll meet him soon. Remus and I have a bet--if he faints Remy gets two sickles, if he doesn't I get three boxes of Bertie Botts from Hogsmeade. Rolling onto my back I managed to pry my eyes open, groggily glancing at the calendar. "September 1st, isn't that nice..." I muttered closing my eyes with a yawn. Wait..."Holy Duck!" I gasped falling off my bed in my haste to get up. Dog Star grunted and peered over at where I lay on my back rubbing my head. "I'm fine Hun," I assured him getting up. Dog Star laid back down on my bed whilst I dashed around, doing my best to find where my school things lay sprawled. I'm a horrible organizationalist. Throwing some clothes and shoes onto my bed beside Dog Star--Star for short--I stuffed the rest into my red duffle bag. I didn't want a trunk because they don't have wheels--I will not lug some huge thing around with no way to move it! Dad can't see us off with work, so Mama's taking us to the station. Quickly zipping up by bag--I had to sit on it--I exhaled, grabbing my clothes, shoes and ribbons from my bed. "On sec Star," I told my dog rushing across the hall to the bathroom. After taking a shower I put my hair into it's braids--takes an hour for the whole thing--then changed into an ACDC singlet, grey jeans, and red high tops. That done I winged my eyeliner and put on my dark purple lipstick, walking back into my room at 10:15. Remus sat on my bed with his trunk looking at Star as if he was a hell hound and not a small little pure black husky puppy while Star growled lowly. I rolled my eyes. "Behave you two," I told them smirking as I went around double checking my things. Remus smiled seeing me and Star barked, licking his own paw. "Morning Ava--you ready?" He asked concerned, though we both know he wasn't asking, was I packed? He meant--was I ready to leave the block in the first time since I was eight years old. I sighed shakily, nodding my head slowly. "Yeah. Yeah I think I am," I informed him with a shaky smile before pulling up the handle of my bag, holding onto it tightly. My knuckles turned white betraying my nerves and my fear. I was excited sure, but it's been roughly eight years since I'm left my YARD. I'm going to SCOTTLAND. Hogwarts. Remus's face dropped in obvious concern and he stood up, holding out his arms. I waisted no time in wrapping my arms tightly around my big brother, eyes dry though I sagged against him. He rubbed my back and I felt heat hit my cheeks. I wiped my eyes forcing them to stop stinging. Remus rubbed my back. "You'll be fine Ava--I promise you that I'll keep you safe," he swore and I nodded my head against his chest, pulling back as Star was growling. "I trust you Remy--you know that," I told him with a soft smile, walking over to click on Star's lead to his collar. He hopped off the bed and growled in warning to Remus before nuzzling my leg. I chuckled in amusement, Remus frowning. "Puppy has taste," I joked laughing and Remus rolled his eyes, though he smiled. He has to admit it's funny Star adores me but hates him and James. Hooking Stars lead ring thing to my wrist I grabbed my bag with my free hand and smirked at Remus. "Now--to Hogwarts we go."

"Bye Mum," Remus said hugging our crying mother tightly. She's taller than me but shorter than Rem with curly dark brown hair and green eyes. "Bye Remus Honey--be good," she sighed brushing his hair from his eyes. That done he moved back and we embraced for the longest time. "I love you Mama," I told her teary eyed. I saw nine ghosts on the way here and unease is riddled in my bones. I feel scared, but I've gotten gold at ignoring fear. It's better to face it then to cower--I won't cower. "I love you too baby--owl me every day--god I'll miss you," she kissed my head, cupping my face with a tearful grin. "My little girl all grown up." She smiled turning to look at Remus. "Keep her out of trouble, ok?" Remus nodded and mum and I hugged again before we had to let go. "Bye Mama--I love you!" I called, following Remus onto the large scarlet train with Star and my trunk. "I'll go find a place--you find James and Sirius," I told Rem and we hugged. "I'll see you at the sorting V--goodluck," Remus said and I smirked. "Lucks for idiots--I have all I need up here," I tapped my head making Remus chuckle. "Even so--a little luck can't hurt," that said he kissed my head, leaving down the hall. I watched him for a moment before going the other way. Soon I found myself at the door of an all girl compartment trying to convince myself to go in. They don't bite--their just teenage girls! I think? I mean they might bite..."Excuse me?" A voice asked and I looked up jumping. A tall blonde haired girl stood in front of me, brown eyes confused. I felt fear itch me and I peered at the compartment, relaxing when I saw the two other girls seemed to see the blonde. "Erm...yeah?" I asked confidently trying to not act freaked out. The girl rolled her eyes. "What do you want? You're weirding out my friend standing there," she told me rudely and I narrowed my eyes, arms crossed. "I was going to ask to sit with you, but obviously current company is a bit too bitchy to allow someone so beneath you entry oh lady ship," I mock bowed. The girl narrowed her eyes though was stopped from answering by a red headed girl with green eyes who was sitting in the compartment. "Mar..." She warned and they glared at eachother for a moment. 'Mar' sighed. "Fine--she can stay!" She groaned plopping down by the compartment door. I turned to the red head questioningly and she smiled. "I'm Lily--would you like to sit with us?" I nodded gratefully. "Yeah--I'm Avaya Lupin, nice to meet you," I told her sitting down. The three girls all gaped at me. "As in Remus Lupin?" The brunette asked and I felt a sarcastic smile slide into my lips. "Nah--as in Abraham Linkon," I informed her sarcastically and the red head snorted, sitting down next to me. Blonde rolled her eyes. "I didn't know Lupin had a sister," Mar said suspiciously and I rolled my eyes. "Well he does--call me Ava," I told her trying to play nice. Lily smiled. "Well Ava--this is Alice King and Marlene McKinnon and, as I said, I'm Lily Evans." I gasped grinning widely. "You're James's Lily!" Lily winced and Marlene laughed. Alice hid a smirk. "I'm not Potter's anything," she muttered and I smirked. "Course not Evans--you and James? Pah!" I waved my hand and Lily rolled her eyes grumpily. "How do you know Potter anyway?" Alice asked and I smiled. "He and Sirius are my pen pals I guess--I met James a few days ago, never met Sirius." Lily seemed to have an 'aha!' Moment. "YOU'RE the mystery girl their always owling!" I smirked tipping my imaginary cowboy hat. "Howdy Mam." Lily laughed. "I like you're hair," Lily told me grabbing my right braid and I smiled. "Thanks--I've been wearing it like this since I was four--I love the color red especially," I informed her grinning and she smiled. "I like the color green--but I'm in Gryffindor and reds cool too--doesn't suit me though," she conceeded sheepishly and I smirked. "This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship Evans," I informed her smirking and she smiled.

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