Chapter Eight- Marauder meeting

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September 2nd, 1975

Rolling onto my side I curled into my warm blankets, Star curling into my back. I was awake but not, dream still on my mind. I was walking through a field of giant flowers that were talking--they insulted my petals and gossiped around in annoying voices. The Rose was trying to command order but the daisies wouldn't quit talking and the lilac was tugging at my hair annoyingly. She called me a weed. It was like out of Alice through the looking glass, bit bigger, when all of a sudden a giant dog came over and ate the lilac. It was huge and black with grey eyes and a roughish grin. "Thank you!" I called up to the dog which nodded, running off through the grass. I opened my eyes, laughing at the absurdity of my dream. I ALWAYS have crazy dreams when I leave home. I slept at my old friend Catherine's house when I was five and dreamt of dancing waffles and space babies for two days straight. I haven't slept away from home in years. With an uneasy sigh I got up, leaving Star to sleep as I snuck out of my dorm. The time on the watch on my bedside had read 7:58 so I may as well go to the guys. I fixed my hair as I walked, fringe falling over my left eye annoyingly, not that I cared much. Walking into the common room I made my way across to the boys stairs, climbing up slowly in my sleepiness. I'll wake up properly after I eat I mean--GRUMBLE tummy I'm hungy. Finding my way to the fifth year doors I walked down checking each plaque carefully. If I walk into the wrong one thing's will go south quite quickly I'm sure. James Potter
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
FINALLY, I thought at the very end of the hall, eyes a bit wider though I was still groggy. Lifting my hand I knocked lightly rubbing my eyes with my left hand. There was a groan and some muttering--an arguement--before the door swung open to reveal a very ruffled scowling Sirius. He frowned seeing me and I blushed. He was shirtless and in his boxers, six pack in full view. I caught myself staring at his chest, though I couldn't understand why. It's Sirius! Sirius smirked slightly catching me looking, leaning in the doorway. "Like what you see Troll girl?" He asked and I smirked. "You wish Black," I scoffed crossing my arms and he smirked amused. "I don't know--I could have sworn you were checking me out Lupin," I rolled my eyes at him. "Well I suppose you swore wrong," I shot back childishly and he smirked, messing up his hair with his free hand. He stretched as he did so and I blushed looking down..."Aha!" Sirius said smirking. "You ARE checking me out!" He told me and I scowled glaring at him. "I am not!" I insisted and he smirked widely obviously enjoying our bickering. I am too surprisingly. "Sure are love, don't deny it--all the ladies want a piece of this," he smirked pointing to himself and I scoffed raising my eyebrows. "Oh I'm sure they do sweetie--all the ladies but me," I told him smirking and he scoffed. "Yeah right," he huffed and I smirked. "Exactly." He frowned before chuckling in understanding. "Padfoot? Whos there?" James called and Sirius rolled his eyes. "Come in then," he widened the door and I walked in after him careful to not touch him, not sure why not though. I just feel as if that would be counter productive. "Morning James, Peter, Remy!" I greeted, walking over to hug my brother who sat up in his bed frowning at me. "It's 7 Am V," He whined falling back onto his pillows and I lied down beside him with a groan. "I know but I'm hungry and I dreamt of a giant dog eating a lilac that was sassing me--are my petals weird James?" I asked him and he sent me an odd glance. "Really Ava?" He asked and I grinned. "I get odd dreams when I'm away from home--I once dreamt I was in a space ship heading for Pluto but the ship was taken over by giant babies who used the front half of the ship as a giant pacifier, " I shivered and James and Sirius raised their eyebrows at me. I grinned, Remus putting his arm around my waist in a side hug. "Hey Avi?" He asked and I smiled. "Yeah Remy?" He frowned, eyes closed. "Go back to sleep," he told me bluntly and I groaned loudly. "Remy--my tummy is grumpy. Not to mention Marlene snores and Lily was up at 4 Am reading. She told me she was getting a jump start then she passed out--I think she sleep studies!" I complained and James got a dreamy smile on his face. "I bet she looks beautiful in the morning," he sighed and I laughed. "Buck up and go look Jay--grow a pair," I called and he pouted. Sirius laughed sitting on the bed next to Remus's. Peter was still fast asleep. At least he doesn't snore. "No need to be snippy Ava--I mean, just because you have weird petals..." James told me and I gasped. "I knew it!" Remus groaned. "You're not a flower Avaya!" Sirius smirked. "Now that Prongs mentions you're petals..." I groaned covering my eyes. "I knew it--I'm a weed Remus--you're a weed in assosiation!" I told him in mock horror and he hid his face in his pillows in frustration. James, Sirius and I laughed. "Anyway," I began sitting up against Remus's head board," I'm tired and hungry so I figured I'd get this Marauder meeting over with so I can find this kitchens Remus tells me about--James?" I sent him a pointed look and he slid on his glasses sitting up. "Ok--first item of business--I want to see your Animagus!" I sent him an odd look. "Unless you've seen a person die you can't," I informed him and he sent me a look. I shrugged getting up, standing in the middle of the room. After a few weeks the change came easy and in seconds I was on all fours, wings stretching out as I shook myself out. That felt nice. The guys looked around in confusion and I walked over to James, nudging his face. He touched my nose mystified. "That's bloody wicked!" He and Sirius said grinning and I neighed loudly in thanks. Quickly turning back I fell onto the end of James's bed smirking. "You DID look up Thestrials, right James? Sirius?" I asked and they smiled sheepish. I rolled my eyes. "I'm a large bone horse with wings," I told them shortly and James grinned. "You can fly?" I shook my head nervously. "I've never tried," he opened his mouth but I cut him off. "And before you ask I've never been on a broom either," I cut in and he seemed to think that was atrocious. Sirius frowned. "You like Quidditch right?" He asked and I nodded grinning. "Remy tells me all about it--I've never seen a game but I LOVE the sound of it, I can't wait to see a real game," I confided and Sirius smiled slightly. "Second item--" James Continued,"--Name. We all have a name as you know--I'm Prongs and a stag, Remus is Mooney and a werewolf, Peter is Wormtail and a rat, and Sirius is Padfoot and a dog," I frowned thinking. I shrugged. "I dunno--bones?" I suggested and James shrugged frowning. "We'll come back to that. Next item--full moon!" That woke Remus right up. "NO WAY IN HELL!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes. "Remy--I became an Animagus to help YOU. It's my fault, let me help you," I insisted standing up and Remus got up too, glaring down at me. "I won't let you get hurt because of me," he told me bluntly and I groaned. "Remus--I can take care of myself. For four years I've done nothing but look for a way to help you--now that I have you HAVE to let me. Please Remus?" He scowled crossing his arms. "No." I rolled my eyes. "Come on Remus John Lupin--you may be older by five minutes but I do have a say in things--I know you're scared but I trust you. I can work on finding a way to help--I've got a whole library somewhere in this school! Mark my words I will be helping you and the guys on the full moon I SWEAR Remus John," I poked his chest, chin jutted stubbornly, and James looked remorseful for bringing it up. Sirius looked confused. Remus looked pissed. Peter wad sleeping. "I'm with Remus--what if you get hurt?" Sirius cut in and I scowled at him. James cleared his throat. "I think she should get to choose," he cut in despite Remus's glare and I smiled. "Thanks Jay--glad I can count on one of you to have my back," Sirius rolled his eyes. "You can't get mad at me because I happen to know you'll get hurt--we're friends--we've owled for almost four years!" He complained and I scowled. "I won't sit and worry that Remus is hurt or you guys are bleeding out in the whomping willow when I know I can help--I can not only fend off Rem--but I can heal you, I want to help," I informed him and Remus stubbornly and Sirius and Remus scowled. "No," they told me simultaneously. I scowled and huffed. "Try to stop me--an invisible horse girl who will eventually be able to fly?" I said crossing my arms. Remus sighed knowing he'd get nowhere now. "Come on V--Sirius and I'll get some food and then you can sleep in here--we'll drop this until later." Remus stated firmly and I scoffed crossing my arms. "Fine--but bright and early September 30th, the day you turn, I swear to Merlin we're all talking, got it?" He sighed but nodded, leaving the dorm with Sirius. James and I got into a game of exploding snap on his bed, both of us laughing after a card exploded in my hand, when Sirius and Remus walked back in. Peter was awake and sat up watching us. Remus held a tray of red cookies and Sirius four cups. I felt my smile fall and my eyebrows furrowed. Getting up I took a red cookie sniffing as I ate it. Remus put the tray on the bed and I hugged him. "I miss Mama and Dad," I told him softly and he sighed. "It will get better Ava--I promise it will." I nodded, sitting down at the end of his bed. Sirius walked over and handed me a cup of steaming hot chocolate. It was red with pink mini marshmallows, my favourite. Quickly grabbing his hand before he could leave to his bed I sent him a smile. "Sorry for snapping Sirius--thank you," I said and he smiled at me. "It's cool--sorry for being a dick. I shouldn't have said straight out no. It's just--I consider you a friend--we've known each other for almost as long as I've known Remus, Pete and James. You're one of my best friends and you want to run off to help us on the full moon?" I shrugged smiling at him. "I get it--the fact you care is sweet, but I can make my own decisions," I told him, blowing on my drink. Taking a sip I smiled, my heart heavy. Mama used to make me red cookies and coco when I had trouble sleeping. Then we would watch the Adams Family and fall a sleep on the couch together--sometimes with Remus when he was home from Hogwarts. Finishing quickly I laid down, curling up in Remus's arms. I was asleep in seconds.

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