Chapter Six- I'm Ava, Ava Lupin

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September 1st, 1975

The ride was mostly quiet after that, something Lily seemed to like. I let her know Remus would keep James away which relieved her, and in return she informed me all about her and James's not-a-relationship. Alice told me about her crush, Frank, and Marlene told me about all the cute guys in our year she thinks I should meet. She's ok honestly if a bit bitchy. Then Lily went on to explain the Hogwarts ghost. That's the point I'm more than a little worried over. What if they out me? I have a strange power over ghost, it's like, I know them when I don't, and if they tell anyone then...well then I'll be the freak of Hogwarts. The Ministry will want to use me. People will shun me. That or use me to talk to dead loved ones. I'll be a walking freak show. I don't want that. Now that I'm an illegal Animagus I need to keep a low profile with the Ministry--only Remy knows thank goodness but if the Ministry find out? Dad will get in trouble too, and I won't have that. I decided to just throw my robes over my ACDC shirt and jeans I mean--I'll wear uniform next time, maybe, so why should they care? Standing a few hours later with a bunch if first year waiting to be sorted I felt ill. A lot of the first years were looking at Star as if they wanted to pat him, but then he growls and they shy away. He doesn't like crowds, which is why I held him in my arms in apology. A strict witch named Minerva McGonagall left us here only moments ago--not before informing me I would be last of course. Great. Not. I stood behind all the smaller kids trying to blend in. I could pass for a third year, but it was obvious I'm not in first. "There ready for you," McGonagall announced opening the door to the room we stood in and the line moved through silently, everyone too nervous too speak. Lily tells me there's a sorting hat that speaks, but I think I'm not sure I believe her. Some kid says it's troll wrestling, and another that we have a test to take in front of EVERYONE. Say pressure. Yet the second I walked into the hall it fell away and Star barked licking my arm. The roof were STARS. It was beautiful. I love the stars--yet I'd never seen a more beautiful sight then this roof. My mouth parted and and felt a smile curl my lips. "Whoa," I whispered brushing Stars fur softly. He huddled into my arms as if agreeing with my statement. Whispers filled the hall but I ignored them, so focused on the stars that I almost bumped into the girl in front of me. Wouldn't it be funny if I did and everyone fell over including McGonagall? No? Domino affect hater. McGonagall cleared her throat drawing the attention of the students, myself included. From the corner of my eye I could see Remus at the Gryffindor table looking worried and hopeful. "When I call out you're name come forward and try on the sorting hat," McGonagall announced once the old battered hat stopped singing on the stool and I smiled widely ignoring my fear. I'll be a Gryffindor with Remus, that's that. He needs me so I'll be there for him. Not to mention out Birthday is in October--14th, Oct, 1960--and I want to be able to have our traditional birthday sleepover. I miss it from when he was still home and I wasn't...whatever I am. 'Abbot, Taylor' was the first Huffelpuff followed by 'Hayes Conner' in Ravenclaw and 'Que Vera' in Slytherin. I tuned out focusing on soothing the tense Star. "It's ok Star--everything's alright," I assured him, looking up when there where only three people left. 'Khan Meg' became a Gryffindor as did 'Taylor John', though 'Quetsi Donna' was sent to Ravenclaw. "Lupin, Avaya Ava!" McGonagall called and Star barked licking my cheek. I giggled smiling. Whispers broke out across the hall as I put Dog Star on the floor and walked him up to the stool, sitting down with all the grace I had. I almost tipped off in other words. Grabbing the hat from McGonagall I felt a moment of panic hit me. What if I'm not a Gryffindor? Shaking the idea blind determination slithered up my spine. I will be--for Remy, and for me. Turns out I had no need to be worried, because the hat barely touched my head when it shouted out," GRYFFINDOR!" I had to jump at that and Star growled as I wobbled of the stool for a moment. The hall was silent obviously taken off guard, but with the help of James and Remus the Gryffindor table burst into applause, the other three following along slowly and boredly. I blushed getting up, placing the hat on the stool. Picking up Star I carried him over to Remus grinning. "Told you I'd get it!" I told him placing Star on the table so I could hug my brother tightly. His chest rumbled in laughter. "Yeah--I didn't doubt it V," he shot back and I grinned pulling away giddy. "Welcome to Gryffindor Baby Lupin," James said and we hugged quickly. "Hey James, good to see you again," I told him before turning expectantly to the last guy across the table. My voice got sucked into my throat and I blinked. A grey eyed boy looked back at me curiously, black hair falling around his face. He was...oh. I don't get it but my stomach tumbled painfully. What is that? Am I sick? "I'm Sirius, Sirius Black--so you're Remus's sister," Sirius said smirking and I nodded shaking out of my odd daze. "Yep--I'm Ava Lupin," I hinted, smirking when his jaw dropped in shock. "YOU'RE Ava? You're not a troll!" He accused turning to James who smirked. "Don't look at me--we met last week and she threatened my future children with Evans," James smirked and I chuckled at that. Sirius turned to look at Remus and I felt my smirk grow. Remus laughed sitting down at the same time as James and I across from Sirius and the last Marauder, a short boy with blonde hair and mediocre brown eyes named Peter. I sent him a smile and a wave he returned red faced. "Mooney? What do you have to say for yourself?" He demanded and Remus smirked. "I found out over the summer--Ava is a tricky girl," he shrugged and I laughed as Sirius turned back to me. "Troll?" Head shake. "Centaur boyfriend?" Giggle. "Merperson named Ariel?" Snort. "Merlins ghost?" Nope. "Tail?" I laughed aloud remembering that one. "No sorry--it was fun slipping in little lies to freak you out, then telling James the truth to freak him out and confuse him," I laughed grinning widely, Star yipping amused on my lap. Sirius scowled. James and Remus shared smirks. "I'm not sure if I'm impressed or pissed," Sirius informed me and I grinned toothily. "Thank you," I chirped simply and he rolled his eyes smirking. It felt easy to talk, but there was still with bubbly feeling in my tummy. Oh well--probably just hungry.

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