Chapter Four- Troll. Troll?

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August 24th, 1975

Arriving in Diagon Alley I was amazed. Not only was it my first time Fluing--I feel nauseous and sooty--but we landed in a large bookstore. Shelves on shelves. I ran to the nearest one, fingers tracing the spines in wonder. I had to order my books in, though it's not the same from being THERE in the store, fingers dancing across titles in hot pursuit. Remus chuckled watching me in my childlike joy. If you are amused by me in a bookstore, you should see me in a candy store--or better yet, on Christmas day. I'm a demon honestly. I grin and laugh at the dumbest things--then I tackle people and run around like a hypo toddler, or so says Remus--hopefully he's a reliable source in saying I'm adorable not a crack pot crazy. "I wanna live here," I informed Remus giddy and he laughed again, grabbing my right arm. "Come on--we'll get you fitted and grab you're books before meeting James at Floreans." I grinned childishly. "Ice cream? I want ice cream!" I jumped like a five year old girl, not the crazy death speaking nutty fifteen year old girl I happen to be. Remus chuckled at me, dragging me over to the front desk. A man with a buzz cut and blue eyes stood smiling as we came toward him. I was almost worried by his haircut he was another war ghost, but soon realized he had a name tag with the name :Kevin' on it. Ok, not a ghost, just a guy with a sadistic barber. My heart slowed slightly, though it still pumped at an oddly fast rate. Shaking my head I held onto Remus's arm to let him know to do all the talking. He nodded and smiled at me. "We need to get my sister's Hogwarts books--5th year," Remus informed him politely and the man, Kevin, nodded with a smile. "Sure thing--just give me a moment," he held up his finger before walking off. Remus turned to me with raised eyebrows. "You alright V?" I nodded quickly before shaking my head. "I thought he was a ghost for a moment and panicked a little--but I'm ok," I murmered and he squeezed my arm in comfort. "Tell me if you see...anything. ok?" I nodded quickly, smiling at Kevin when he returned with my books. "Thank you Sir," Remus said taking the books while I quickly handed him the money from my pouch. He nodded smiling, though I just wanted to move on. With identical poliet smiles Remus and I quickly left Flourish and Blotts. Arriving in the oddest street I'd ever seen. It was cobbled and stores lined the street--stires with Dragons eyes, stores for pets, stores for telescopes--even Olivanders. The old wand maker made a visit to my house when I was eleven with a bag of wands on my plea and that's how I got my wand. It was nice of him, but he unnerved me slightly. Grabbing Remus's hand I pulled him along to the pet store, ignoring his raised eyebrow look. "Ava--we need to get you're robes," he informed me amused as I looked through the hundreds of pets. I shrugged. "I need a pet FIRST Remy--it's crucial," I informed him grinning when I saw the cutest black and white kittens playing in a pen. Shaking it off I continued around the store. They had cats, toads, owls, rats, lizards, mice, and even snakes, but so far not what I was looking for. Strolling over to the front counter I sent the man a charming smile, though I bet it looked awkward. "Excuse me Sir? Do you have dogs?" Remus chuckled and the man sent me an odd look before nodding. "Yeah--their in the back--not many new wizards want a dog, all the rage are owls and cats," he told me, leading Remus and I through an open doorway into a dog enclosure of sorts. It was a warm room with a large pen and yellow carpet, the walls painted white. Inside the pen were seven different puppies all running around and yipping. One was white and REALLY fluffy. Another was orange-y with golden patches. Another was blonde--a golden retriver. A few other were golden retrivers, and I think there was a Labrador. My favorite though was the one sitting on it's own in the corner. It was a bit larger then the others with shaggy black fur and wide brown eyes. He was perfect. "I want that one," I informed the man pointing to the puppy which perked up at my voice, barking happily. I grinned. "Are you sure?" The man asked uneasily and I nodded quickly. "Yes--he's perfect," I told him turning to the dog. "Hey boy--wanna come home with me?" I asked and he barked again, trotting over to where I stood on the otherside of the wooden pen. Reaching down I patted his fur. He sat up, tail thumping the floor. The man looked surprised. "Well...I guess that's five galleons?" It sounded more like a question. Quickly paying him I scooped the puppy into my arms, running my fingers through his fur which he seemed to like. "Come on--he needs a lead and a cool collar," I told the amused Remus. My puppy growled at Remus who tried to pat him, licking my hand before curling into my arms. Remy and I shared a look knowing it was the whole 'werewolf' thing. Dogs have problems with wolves--not Sirius or most half bred dogs, but purebreds are problems. Walking back into the store I picked out a firetruck red collar with a little bone on the front and a long golden lead. Quickly paying for both I clicked them up, letting him walk on the floor. "I'll call you Dog Star because you remind me of how James says Padfoot looks like," I told him firmly and Remus smirked looking amused. The walk to the robes store was slow going--Dog Star wanted to smell EVERYTHING which was so adorable--but it passed quickly and Remus carried a bag with my books and robes, though with the extension charm on it it was as light as a feather. "Slow down Dog Star!" I laughed when he caught a sent, running toward the ice cream store at full pelt. He only stopped beside a tall guy with messy black hair and hazel eyes behind round glasses who was eating a melting chocolate chip looking bored. He was cute I guess, but not really my type, whatever my type is. Dog star jumped up and knocked the ice cream from his hands, licking it offf the floor. "Hey!" The guy yelled and I jumped in surprise fighting a laugh. "Dog Star! We don't steal other people's ice cream!" I scolded, though amusement showed in every word. The guy scowled. Remus, who was just a but behind us, laughed drawing the guys attention. "Mooney--finally!" He sighed giving Remus a guy hug. My eyes widened. "You're James?!" I asked and he turned to me in surprise. "Yeah--James Potter, you are?" He asked in rude confusion and I rolled my eyes. Typical James. "Ava, Avaya Lupin," I informed him holding out my free hand while Dog Star licked up his chocolate chip. His jaw dropped and he looked me up and down. "You're not a troll!" Was the first thing he managed to say and I laughed shaking my head. "No--No I am not," Dog Star barked as if to punctuate my point.

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