Chapter Seven- Nearly Bloody Headless

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September 1st, 1975

"Avaya?" A voice asked and I peered over grinning. "Hey Evans, miss me already?" I wondered at my red headed friend spooning some custard into my mouth. She rolled her eyes and James quickly swallowed his food, smoothing his hair nervously. "No Ava--not at all," Lily told me and I pouted mock offended. "Lily Evans--heartbreaker, red head, all around meanie face," I announced making Lily laugh. James smirked. "Hey Lily-Flower--looking stunning as ever," he greeted and Lilys smile fell. She glared. "No Potter," she snarled and I rolled my eyes. "Place nice Lily--No flirting until AFTER dinner Jamesi," I scolded and Lily laughed. James pouted. "Hey Dog Star," Lily greeted my dog who grunted. Sirius smirked. "You named you're dog after me Troll girl?" He asked. He's been calling me that since dinner began. I rolled my eyes. "James says he looked like you in his owls and I figured why not? I love constellations and he IS a dog and all," I pointed out and Sirius's smirk widened. I felt my face warm but I held it back turning to Lily. "So what's--" I cut off gasping, grabbing my head. I suddenly felt light headed and I screwed my eyes closed, hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. Ghost. "Ava? You ok?" James asked worried and I nodded leaning back into Remus. "Y-Yeah--head rush," I groaned shaking my head before opening my eyes, peering over my shoulder to see an old ghost floating towards me. "Sir Nicolas De Mimsy Porpington," I greeted not questioning how I knew his name. He bowed. "My lady, lovely to welcome you to Howarts," he told me obviously realizing what I could do. The others looked confused, Remus trying to hide his surprise and concern. "Lovely to be here Sir Nicholas," I replied guardedly and he smiled. I frowned feeling knowledge seep through my mind. "47 whacks to the neck and you're head didn't slide right off? I'd get a better shot with a butter knife!" I said before I could stop myself and Sir Nick nodded sighing. "I know--pity too, the headless hunt refuses to allow me to join--I may as well be headless--what's a few inches of skin?" He complained and I nodded sympathetically. James, Sirius and Lily exchanged confused looks. "Perhaps you can find a different way to get in?" I suggested thinking of one of the members I met when I was nine in my front yard. Peter Ashcroft. He seemed nice enough but arrogant and, well, headless. He smiled. "If you could put in a good word My lady?" He wondered and I nodded feeling compelled to help. "Of course Sir Nicholas--I would be honored to." I told him and he smiled before floating off. Lily turned to me beating the others to the punch. "What was that?" I shifted shrugging nervously not sure what to say. "She met Nearly Headless Nick outside and she's met a guy from the headless hunt before," Remus explained and I sent him a thankful look he returned with a nod. Lily smiled in understanding. "I was wondering if you wanted to walk with me--" "YES!" James cut in before Lily could finish and I chuckled into my fingers. Lily scowled. "Not you Potter, Ava!" She scowled saying 'Potter' as if it were a disease. I can see why James is so upset by this. He's the most persisitent guy I know. I'm impressed. "Yeah Evans--James and I would be honoured to walk with you," I chirped and she frowned. James shot me a thankful smile I returned with a nod. "Well...I guess...?" Lily murmured nodding before walking off to her friends. James grinned at me. "Thanks Ava," he said grateful and I smiled back nudging his side. "What're troll Ex-owl friends for if not backing a buddy up?" I wondered and James chuckled smiling widely.

"How much further?" I asked Lily as she, Remus, James, Sirius and I walked out of the Great hall. Lily sent me an odd glance. "We just left the Great hall Ava," she pointed out and I smirked. "I know--I just wanted to annoy you," I answered simply and Sirius chuckled beside me. I blushed, not sure why I was. It's just Sirius. Sirius smirked and I knew he saw me blush. Why does that make me feel bubbly in my tummy? Shaking it off I shook my head, tightening my hand on Stars lead. He doesn't like Lily, James or Remus which is surprising as he's letting me walk next to Sirius. Maybe he's more tolerant because their both dogs? "How are you Remus's sister? He's nice and quiet, and you're them!" Lily complained pointing to Sirius and James who pouted. I laughed. "Lily--see my book collection and you'll have no doubts I promise," I told her amused, surprised when she paled stopping in her spot. The others did too and I shivered, looking up frozen. ANOTHER ghost? Really? It was a man covered in chains and blood. "My lady," he bowed and I smiled nodding back. Lily's jaw dropped and James and Sirius looked stunned--Remus too. "Hello Baron," I greeted wincing when the rest came. "I'm sorry," I told him and he nodded smiling slightly. "Nothing to be sorry about my lady--welcome to Hogwarts--though Slytherin would have been much better for you," he told me before flying off. "You--Bloody--Baron--huh?" James muttered in obvious confusion and I blushed. "We met too--I ran through him so I thought I would appologize," I lied through my teeth feeling guilty when James nodded unconvinced. Remus smiled at me reassuringly but I felt sick. I just met them and I'm already lying? Shaking it off I smiled, letting Lily chatter away as the two of is went ahead, the boys talking on our heels. We found ourselves at the base of some stone steps. I gaped when I saw them shift above me. "I'm not getting on that death trap!" I told Remus picking up Star who growled at Remus in agreement. Sirius rolled his eyes. "Oh come on Troll girl--I'll hold my namesake and Remus can carry you," I sent him a surprised glance feeling warmth fill my chest. It was an odd uncomfortable feeling I wasn't used to. "You'd do that?" I asked touched and he nodded smirking. "Yeah--anyone named after me is cool enough," He told me and I smiled, looking down at the growling Star. "Star?" He looked up and whimpered. I grinned. "Sirius is going to keep you safe--ok?" He cocked his head slightly and I smiled handing him to Sirius. He tensed and growled, literarly jumping back into my arms. I caught him stumbling back into Remus with a surprised laugh. Sirius pouted. "Well then," he huffed crossing his arms in mock offence. "Sorry Sirius--one moment!" I told him looking down at my dog who was feigning innocence. "Now Dog Star--you'll stay with Sirius--he's my friend and I trust him--ok?" Star barked and whimpered licking my cheek. I smiled. "I know honey, now off you go," I handed him back to Sirius and he growled, but he stayed put tensely. I grinned turning to Remus who sighed but let me clamour onto his back. "I love you Remy," I told him grinning, leaning down to his ear. "You owe me two Bertie Botts--he didn't faint," I whispered and he sent me an amused look. "Of course V--why am I not surprised?" I grinned at him, holding on tightly when we went up. I jumped and almost squeezed Remus to death when the stairs changed but we eventually got to a portrait of a lady in blue and I got down, grabbing Star from Sirius who barked attacking my face with his tongue. I giggled just glad the short separation was over. "I missed you too love," I told him kissing his head, scratching behind his ears as his tail swished happily. Sirius rolled his eyes but smiled at me. I grinned back, letting Lily drag me through the portrait and into a red and gold common room. "It's lovely," I told her smiling at the warmth. That said I placed Star at my feet and turned around, hugging Remus tightly. "See you tomorrow Remy," I told him and he hugged me back smiling. "Goodnight Ava." I went to hug James who smirked. "Marauder meeting tomorrow morning in our dorm--we need you to come by," he whispered into my ear and I nodded grinning. "Night Jay," I chirped not leading on to what I heard, skipping over to hug Sirius--or I was then an odd shy feeling wash over to me and I chickened out, holding out my hand. Sirius blinked but put his hand in mine. I shivered oddly making Sirius smirk. "Goodnight Ava," he said and I smiled shaking his hand. "Night Sirius--thanks again," I told him before being dragged off with Lily up the girls steps. It turned out she, Alice, Marlene and I are all sharing a dorm. Star hopped right onto my bed, the one furthest to the wall on the right side, and curled up to sleep. Quickly changing into a pair of red sleeping shorts I left on my ACDC shirt and left in my hair, pulling on a pair of knee high stripy red socks. I was a sleep before I hit the pillow, barely getting out a yawning "Goodnight Lily."

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