Chapter Nine- The Girl Parade and Feathers

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September 3rd, 1975

"Good--you're up," Lily said seeing me sitting at the end of my bed stroaking Stars back. He came looking for me yesterday and Sirius let him into the guys dorm. Star growled at Remus and licked my cheek as if he had rescued me. My hero. He would have pissed on Remus if I hadn't moved him away. Remus wad greatful. He did lick Sirius's face in thanks for him letting him in and I kissed Sirius's cheek much to both of our embarresment. For the rest of the day I was in the library with Lily. It's amazing. So many aisles of books. James says I can borrow his invisibility cloak after hours tonight to sneak into the restricted section so I can check out some more books on Werewolves, though I decided to make it Saturday once classes are done. I need to get used to things before I blatantly break a major rule. Sirius says he'll take me flying on Sunday too, but I told him I'd be ok. To be honest I'm scared. I'm not affraid of heights, I LOVE seeing views from up heigh, I'm just terrified of falling to my death. I don't want to wander the earth forever like the spirits I see--I want to...I don't know? Live? If not move to the light, and that won't fly if I'm a human pancake! "Morning to you too Evans," I greeted with a grin as I sorted my hair. I wore a thigh high grey pleated skirt, a white button up shirt with the top two buttons undone and the sleeves rolled to my elbow, My black and yellow Nirvana singlet with the face thingy underneath the words over my shirt, a pair of stripy knee high red and grey socks, my red tie around my forehead with my fringe over the top, a pair of red high tops, and my black robes with the Gryffindor patch. I looked awesome. Not really. Shuddup. Lily smiled sending me an odd glance. "You look...interesting?" I laughed waving her off. "Don't worry Lil--I know I look odd," I assured her grinning in pride. Let your crazy show, that's what Mama says. Lily smiled anyway. "I like it--it suits you," I grinned at her happily. "Thanks Evans, come on--We must ride," I informed her in a creepy vampire voice, dragging her down the steps with a laugh. Seeing James, Peter and Remus I started for them but Lily wriggled free, running from the commons. I laughed, walking over to my brother. He grinned. "Why am I not surprised?" I grinned holding out my arms. "I am embracing the crazy!" I announced and he and James laughed. "I, for one, think you look bloody wicked Bones." I sent him an odd glance. "It was the only thing we could think of!" James said defensively and I laughed. "It's cool Love--hey, where's Sirius?" I asked confused and Remus snorted. James grinned. "Where else? Off getting ready for the females of Hogwarts." I felt an odd pang in my chest but I ignored it laughing. "Is that all he does? Eat, sleep, prank, bark and snog?" I asked and James snorted. "Hey! I go to classes sometimes too!" Sirius defended as he walked down the steps and I waved him off grinning. "Don't worry Sirius--we love you all the same," I assured him and he rolled his eyes smirkingly. "Yeah sure Troll Girl," he scoffed, stopping to look me up and down appraisingly. I forced down the heat in my face and neck, though a pleased smile came onto my face. "Nice Love--I like it, it's different," he informed me and I grinned. "Yeah, Yeah--now off you go--don't want to loose you're playground cred by not snogging someone before breakfast," I mock scolded and he rolled his eyes with a roughish grin, saluting me. "Mam Yes Mam." That said he left the commons. It felt odd, bad, in my chest but I shrugged it off. Mama need me some red food. Mm. "Now you three--to the food!" I announced and sent Remus a wriggling eyebrow look. He sighed but smiled kneeling down by the couch. Trotting over I stood on the couch and sat on his shoulder, laughing as he slowly stood up. James watched amused as Remus carried me out the hall. I giggled the whole way down the death stairs and into the hall, James and Peter laughing to themselves. "All Hail Queen Ava! Conqueror of male Lupin! Bow to me!" I called to James and Peter as we walked into the Great hall and they laughed, Remus chuckling from where I giggled on his shoulder. Sirius was nowhere in sight but Lily rolled her eyes at me from the Gryffindor table. "Evans! Join me!" I held out my arms, putting them back around Remus's head with a giggle. She smiled, shaking her head. "No thanks Avaya--I'm good." I pouted but nodded, James messing up his hair with a flirty smirk. "Hey Evans love, looking fit today--how about you and me go for a date to Hogs--" I covered his mouth with wide eyes. "Shh Jay, I think she's going to blow up!" I whisper shouted seeing her face turned deep red. "NO POTTER YOU EGOTISTICAL NO GOOD BULLYING--" I fell down with a yelp, Remus catching me bridal style. I held Remus's neck with wide eyes trying not to laugh. My amusement fled at the look on James's face. He smirked sure, but there was this hurt look in his eyes that made me mad. "Evans!" I snapped and Lily jumped turning to me in surprise. I took a deep breath before going on. "Maybe that's enough--Kay Lil? I have a bit of a headache," I soothed trying to not show my frustration and she winced. "Sorry Ava," she appologized and I shrugged. "It's ok--I just need some red food--got any Red velvet cupcakes? Strawberries?" Lily nodded quickly sitting down. "Not sure--but I can ask Molly?" I smiled thankfully and she got up, walking to find the Prefect the sweet ginger haired Molly Prewitt. I met her yesterday with Lily--she showed me around. James turned to me with a thankful smile. I guestured to Remus and he put me down. I put my hand on James's shoulder and smiled. "It's ok Jay--it will get better, I promise. One day she'll realize what she's got, and if she doesn't it's her loss. You're an idiot, but you're dedicated and sweet--not to mention one of my best friends. Now smile and go eat!" I clapped and he smiled widely giving me a hug. "Thanks Bones--really. You're a good friend." That said he walked over to their usual spot to eat. I froze for a moment feeling a horrible feeling in my tummy. I lied to him yesterday--him...Sirius... Lily...Peter and...I'm not a good friend AT ALL. Shaking my head I grinned widely trying to stay upbeat as I sat down next to James inbetween him and Remy, the smile staying plastered to my face for the rest of breakfast, even though I felt sick to my stomach.

"You ok Avi?" Remus asked as we left the Great hall, Sirius and James a bit in front of us, and I nodded smiling slightly. "Yeah--I just feel guilty. James said I'm a good friend, but I lied yesterday. I feel sick Remy," I whispered to him with a pained expression and he smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry Avaya--When you're ready you'll tell them, until then just know it's ok. You'll be ok," he promised and I smiled. "Thanks Remy--now come on--to the first!" I announced grinning, pulling Remus along so we could catch up to James, Peter and Sirius who smiled at us. "What are you two talking about?" James asked and Remus and I shared a glance. "About me being ok," I told him truthfully with a grin. James and Sirius seemed a bit worried but at my smile they shrugged. "Alright then," they muttered and I grinned. "Now come on--if were late then I'll give myself a bad rep before I get my good rep so I can make the bad one seem more tolerable," I told them. They all, even Remus, seemed confused but at my insistence hurried along to charms, a class we all shared. Sitting in the back I shared a desk with James and Sirius, Remus and Peter behind us. We had this class with the yellow and black Huffelpuffs. "Goodmorning class!" Professor Flickwick greeted and I smiled. He's REALLY short. Finally! Someone who makes me feel tall! "Now--everyone has their cushions of course?" I looked down seeing a white cushion on the desk in front of me. A chorus of 'yes' rang through the room. "Good--now, to revise, we will be multiplying the cushions and then using Wingardium Leviosa charm to stack them on you're desk," he announced and I shrugged. I learnt this from Remus two weeks ago. Grabbing my wand I smirked, taking a deep breath. Multiplying my cushion I ignored Sirius and James, soon having eight cushions. "Wingardium Leviosa," I said lightly lifting the cushions up with a smile. "There's the Lupin brain," Sirius joked and I rolled my eyes smirking. Hmm...Flicking my wrist slightly I hit Sirius in the face with the pillow. He scowled seeing as it blew up on contact covering him with feathers. James burst into laughter."And there's the Sirius scowl," I retorted babyishly and he grabbed his wand. "Wingardium Leviosa!" I did the same and we jumped up, hitting eachother with exploding feather pillows, both of us laughing when they hit the other, the class watching in surprise, James laughing loudly with Remus. Lily covered her eyes. Sharing a glance with Sirius we smirked, aiming our wands at James. Five pillows went flying at him, blowing up in a flurry of feathers as he yelped falling onto his arse. Even Lily had to laugh as James spat feathers from his mouth, Sirius and I barking in laughter. "Bones! Padfoot!" James groaned and we high fived. "Sorry Prongs!" We chimed with wide smirks showing we weren't sorry in the least. We fist bumped behind our backs. Remus and James rolled their eyes. "Miss. Lupin, Mr. Black?" Flitwick asked and we turned to him sheepish. "Hey Professor..." We chimed sheepish and I scratched the back of my head--a habit I got from Remus. Flitwick didn't look amused. "Detention?" Sirius asked and I bit my lip hiding a smile, hand on my neck. "Detention." He agreed and I spat feathers from my mouth with a sheepish smile. Sirius chuckled at me and I rested my head on his shoulder trying to not laugh, yet failing horribly.

Title(That Smirk)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora