One heart hoping for a change

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He was right, the summer wasn't exactly what he was expecting out of his friend, endless "can't, I'm hanging with Nance"

Nance? Thats the worst fucking nickname I've ever heard, does he have any creativity? And what would she call him, Stece? He thought to himself, when he walked home from the park alone.

Thats why this first day was important, out with the new and in with the old and lets forget about this disgusting summer...

His heart was beating faster with every footstep down the crowded hall, pushing people out of the way to get to the end of the corridor. For him it felt like ages before he could reach the door and push it open, just to reveal a whole cafeteria full of students. Nobody really paid attention to him he wasn't with Steve, so without any looks on him he started to silently pick out his food. 

He couldn't help to look over his shoulder, and when he didn't see Carol and Steve sitting by their usual table he started searching with his eyes, all over the cafeteria, with hope to find them alone. 

"Hey, its a line forming behind you, keep on moving asshole!"

He snapped back to reality and snatched his tray, moving as fast as he could to starts to look for his friends. He tracked and scanned all tables near him, while moving around the tables. Every time he got disappointed he speed up, desperately of knowing that his theory worked. When he was about to give up, he the back of Carols head in the absolute corner of the room. Without thinking about their choice of table, he walked with hurried footsteps, eyes set on the goal without looking what is around him. Without noticing he bumped into a stranger trying to stand up with he's tray, making him drop all of his food with a big sound. 

There were eyes on him, watching him while, he stood there, kinda in shock after snapping out of his trace. He saw blue eyes, green eyes and mostly brown ones when he turned to look around him, but the most important ones, the ones who stood out were right in front of him. Hazel eyes, locking with his while he didn't know what to do to get out of this little situation.

"Look where you are going asshole!" was the only thing he could come up with so he could get to the table.

"Hey man, long time no see!" Steve gave him a fainted smile while he signalled for him to come and join them. He's face lit up without him even realising it and he stumbled over a carton of milk before he slid down by the table. Not expecting to see a another pair of blue eyes on him, almost struggling to smile at him, he started talking to his friends as usual, almost forgetting this whole 'summer break chaos' when looking in his eyes.

"You remember Nance- Nancy Wheeler, right? She wanted to sit with us as lunch today, hope its cool."

Tommys face froze still, dropping his smile. The spark in his eyes died a little when he turned his face to her. He really thought that this would all be over, normal lunches, without having to see her stupid face." Fucking Nancy Wheeler just can't get enough can she? She has the perfect family, perfect grades, the only thing she does not have is a fucking life. Thats why she ruins mine. Everything was perfect until she discover douchbag Steve and wanted some change in her boring life"Tommy thought to himself.

The feeling was still there, now growing of seeing Steve and Nancy still be together. But the thing was that he wasn't just jealous because he didn't have any time with his friend, he actually wanted things to change, but he didn't realise it just yet. Seeing Nancy with Steve would have made him realise something about himself, if it wasn't for the cover feeling of him loosing his friend, it would reveal the real feeling, longing for a change...

One story, two hearts and two different angles (Steve x Tommy)Where stories live. Discover now