One heart in need of peace

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Steve stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do. He had never felt so left out of something then right now. The hall turned cold when all the remaining people disappeared into the classrooms, but he couldn't move. On the outside was his body frozen, cold to the touch but his cheeks eventually started to turn red. His blood was moving faster through his body leaving him with a tingly feeling. Realisation, everyone things he is an ass and they don't even have real proof. 'She is the one in the wrong' he kept telling himself, but it didn't really sound right in his ears. He had to prove that he just did what everyone would do in this situation. This was the only time he wished he would be a quiet boy sitting in the back of the classroom, nobody in his business, nobody knowing his drama, and nobody really caring. He wanted to hide under the surface.

Tommy was worried about Steve, he had never seen him this low. He know that Steve had never had a rumour about him that was actually true, with proof and all. He obviously didn't mean to frame him, it was just a coincidence that the darkest hoodie he could find was Steves from 2 years ago, he never gave it back to him. He knew that soon enough his best friend would find out about his lie, and that way he was obligated to tell him the truth, if he agreed to talk to him after. He was playing a dangerous game which he knew would be revealed, and it made him feel like shit.

Steve couldn't bare to be seen at school, not when everyones eyes were glued to him, judging him without a reason. He took of as soon Tommy left his side in the corridor, knowing that if he knew that he was going to ditch class, he would have came with. He needed to clear his head without dragging attention to himself, so he did what he always does.

The water stung his skin when he dove in. It was like his head lit up with an idea but it was just the effect of the cold. It was to windy and rainy for the water to be warm but it was exactly how he needed it to be, refreshing, forcing him to think clearly. He looked around, his vision blurry when he saw a beer can at the bottom, reminding him of the nice time they had, before everything went downhill. He decided that the best way to think was underwater, where no one could interrupt him, where there was no car sounds, no whispers and no distractions. He took a deep breath and let go and got beneath the surface. 

His heart was pounding in his chest, begging him to make the right decision. His head was light, he could see thing clearly now. He was at peace, his escape from reality. He didn't realise till now how much he missed swim team. 'Okay, now think'.

His own words echoed in his head when he repeated 'He is going to pay'. He felt like he was suffocating, there was no oxygen left in his lungs. He forced himself to stay. He needed to achieve more. He could feel a little burning sensation in his chest, he was running out of time. It was a fight, he didn't want to give up just yet. He started swimming up but his vision turned black for a second, forcing him to lose control over his body, he was desperate for air when...

He's head was over the surface, he was choking and gasping for air. Maybe its hard to believe but this was the feeling he was reaching for. Its the feeling when you desperately want something, need something and you finally get it, its an relieving in every way. And he desperately needed a plan. He could feel the air enter his lungs, he was breathing faster then ever. Now he knew what he had to do, the only thing he needed was a little help.

One story, two hearts and two different angles (Steve x Tommy)Where stories live. Discover now